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Everything posted by crappercarper

  1. are there any scottish carpers on here? i have a mate from work who is going on holiday to ayrshire and he asked me if i knew of any places, i said no and wondered if anyone on here does? i know in scotland its mainly game fishing for the trout, salmon etc cheers
  2. esp raptors for me
  3. if i were you id join a club such as test valley or eastleigh, you get a lot more waters to choose from with rivers inclouded as well and a whole range of waters from easy to hard, big to small. it will only cost you around £100-£130 and if you only go a couple of times a month its cheaper then paying around £15-£20 for 24 hours on day ticket waters. if your still learning id give broadlands a go as its a medium water and if you do blank on the big lake you can always nip down the lower lake for a couple of hours and catch a few small ones.
  4. im a member of tvac and fish also fish some of the yateley waters, south/sandhurts and guest on match when i could. ive done most of the day tickets waters when i first started but have recently got a nice water in the forest im fishing that is private with very hard fisghting carp. ive aslo fished chichester pits and had a few nice ones from there. where abouts are you from?
  5. why superglue, just tie it in
  6. i dont want to sound patronising but cant you just use braid or even some cotton to tie the bait onto your hook?
  7. i would put a bag of groundbait and liquid flavour round it nothing to heavy as its just gonna sink straight to the bottom unless its a highly stocked lake and the carp are attacing the bait when the float hits the water. also you can make a sloppy spod mix up and spod it over the top if the carp aint scared of the spod.
  8. how about snails?
  9. horseshoe lake in gloustershire, i dont know much about it like waiting lists or prices but i do know its got stunning carp in there and mahoosive rudd as i saw it on one of matt hayes programmes.
  10. i got it for a tenner, reading it now when i get time
  11. the best complex of big fish waters in england your best bet would be to fish south lake
  12. m27 junction 2 boilies over pellet work well, cast to showing fish, my favourite pegs are 29-33 in carp alley or by the inlet in the back bay. ive found that they switch on an hour before dark till around 2am in the summer, ive never really had much early morning. if its busy (which it will be) find somewhere quiet, you will probably have to walk a fair way as everyone mainly fish near the car parks so take a barrow. good luck
  13. yateley, yateley, yateley!!!!
  14. night fishing is allowed, havent seen anyone with a bait boat on there but tbh its not needed. mt advice would be to get there, have a walk around, try and spot some fish then gets the rods out and fish it. its a busy lake and most baits are taken.
  15. i was thinking of getting that book as i really enjoyed the tv series, it had me in stitches with the way the 3 were bitching at each other all the time.
  16. i generally have quite short hair unless its the winter and im growing it to keep my head warm, i usually cut it with clippers every 2 weeks right down to the bone. i have 'bic'd' it before when i was younger and in a skinhead gang
  17. any info on either of these would be great, ive heard a few stories and need to know where i can get a ticket/membership etc it looks immense and my kind of historical place, once used by monks etc and surrounded by thick woodland. please help
  18. again, got it, read it, love it
  19. got it, read it, love it!!!!
  20. dont forget the toilet roll to wipe his 'arris' when he goes for a crap
  21. or cemex pads lake at yateley. 4 acres again and same price post code gu47 8jx
  22. cemex's burghfield blue pool? its in berkshire. you can hire it out for £125 for 24 hours so that would work out at £25 each if you have 5 people going. post code is rg30 3uw. 4 acres and a good head of fish. check out the cemex sites venue guide (day ticket waters)
  23. fish with bait you are confident in, fiosh with a rig you are confident in and theres an island to fish to but theres so many fish in there it doesnt really matter much
  24. yes there are plenty of pegs, you will need bait and between the car park and lake is a path
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