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Everything posted by crappercarper

  1. longbridge, carp to 25lb, fairly easy water, 10mins from junction 3 m27. i dont know why im helping you as your a skate lol
  2. ever heard of yately?
  3. nothing to juicy i just thought that you may not have realised that you can get just a silver ticket for the yateley complex and i thought maybe you bought a silver ticket coverall when you dont have to. ive also heard of some 'rumours' of 2 new waters opening up in hampshire in the next year or so. the only place i can think of is either marchwood pits or the workings at timsbury but they aint giving any clues yet just saying that there will be 2 new waters in hampshire.
  4. how much are you paying andy? are you doing 2 rods or 3? i think i may have noticed something if you havent already bought your ticket that might intrest you
  5. why dont you guys do your own homework? its so much more rewarding and you will find if you ask most people what bait they caught on they will lie anyway
  6. ive heard that if you dont have rods over 3.5tc and a realtree camo'd water butt then you wont catch anything
  7. cheers fella ill look forward to them, ill get my missus to open it so it will scare her im ok with the dog friendly waters this year as i have a couple of private lakes to fish in the new forest and the owner is fine with my bitch coming with me. it would still be nice to know of a few in this area for back up though. cheers
  8. im upto chapter 17 at present and have loved every minute reading it. im getting the whole collection of dvds when they are all out at the end of the year then i will have a date with the tv, a crate of fosters or some nice wine and a few munchies. ill kick the missus and kid out for the day and turn my phone off and have a marathon dvd session, cant wait
  9. ive just been on another site im a member of and a thread about dog friendly waters has been bought up. i have a very well behaved staff and was wondering if anyone knows of any dog friendly waters in southern england around hampshire/dorset/wiltshire/oxfordshire etc. im sure many of us would like to take our dogs fishing. they would have to be very well behaved though like no barking, no going in the water and for us to pick up their mess etc. thanks in advance
  10. very tempted as my club ticket runs out at the end of the month and after a few weeks of not knowing what i want to do when it runs out i have found the answer to my problem. it will invove a couple of private waters in the new forest that a good friend has told me about and i now have permission to fish them with him and 2 others. very very happy and cant wait. i think if i didnt find out about these waters i would of joined cemex. cheers gary
  11. are you going for the silver ticket? there are a lot of waters on offer but beware they are taking away a few waters each year that are going to syndicates. eg. match lake went this year to a syndicate of 50 members. still good value just make sure what the brochure says is correct
  12. i received it today at last from waterstones as a valentines present. i havent read any yet but will hopefully read a few pages when i get home tonight after work. ive been up since 5am and dont finish till 10pm but will get straight into it with a few glasses of wine to help me get in the mood ill keep you all posted on what i think of it. has anyone else got it?
  13. test valley ac. for your first year you will spend about £130 which includes a night ticket and 3rd winter rod, gate key and joining fee etc. the second year you dont pay the £20 joining fee. if your after carp you have nutsey with the 50lber or embley with a few 20's. they have a lot of rivers and even a few stretches of the test for fly fishing etc. i dont think i will re join next year as i am needing something new but am unsure what just yet. its not a bad club and has plenty of easy lakes for some fun floater fishing and catching some small ones.
  14. just had a look on google earth and if you type in the 2 post codes ox29 7qf and ox29 7rh you will see the difference. have a look at the lake with the caravans on it and there appears to be a house on the island. i wonder if its up for sale pure bliss
  15. sorry i meant north west. your caravan site is south east of richworth linear, silly boy
  16. no linear the complex south east of there further down
  17. look on the cemex sight. you hire it out for 24 hours at a time so best bet is to get a few of ya mates together and spilt the cost. its under day ticket waters on the cemex sight.
  18. i have just been having a nose on google earth and am wondering what the 2 big lakes/resorvoirs next to wraysbury are. they look man made and just wondering whats in them, can you fish them etc
  19. with the last couple of threads being about free fishing why dont we all put down and stretches of river/canals or lakes that you can legally fish for free. that way people on a budget can fish and take beginners and children etc. if it takes off maybe it can become a sticky
  20. i didnt say it was hard but i wouldnt class it at a runs water. have you fished it yourself? if you have what have you caught? my average is 2 fish a session and i class runs waters as 5+ fish a session (24 hours) what do you class as a runs water?
  21. just out of interest and sorry to hijack the thread but what would you class as a runs water? ie how many fish per 24 hours? i would class a runs water to be a water where i would usually catch 5 or more carp per 24 hours. maybe i should start another thread to get peoples opinions.
  22. ok if thats what you think then thats ok but i wouldnt class sandhurst a runs water thats all. its not dead hard but by no means is it a runs water
  23. are you serious? if you are did you not read his post properly?
  24. south lake is really nice little lake and great for stalking and getting them off the top, although a lot of people say they wont take them off the top but i have proved them otherwise. just make sure you dont put out loads of mixers just around 4-5 each time until they are feeding hard then freeline with a pva bag of another few mixers in to get the distance of the cast. sandhurst gets very busy all the time and is not my cup of tea, its a lovely lake just rammed all the time.
  25. thanks for the replys. tbh i wont be doing a lot of fishing and will probably just take my float set up and 1 carp rod and maybe do a bit of stalking and fishing for the perch etc. i plan to only fish for a couple of afternoons. the lodge i wanted 'rowan' is booked for the time i want but they are building some new better lodges for this spring with even more toys. i have emailed them to see if i can pre book one of the new lodges and am awaiting a reply.
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