well the reason i use it becuse say ur cathin 5lb carp then u hit a 10 lb carp with a normal elastic u will bottom it out causeing a hook pull, but this stuf stretches loads so may be not too good if ur pointing ur pole directly at snags but if ur at the side of em and u can point ur pole away from them then yer its good, its called maver dual core bout 9 quid or if ur fishin str8 to snags or want somethinf for 2 quid then try a number 14 elastic through 3 section but keep it loose.
is possible 3 sections but 2 will be ok. with hollow core it stretches something like 6 times the length of a normal elastic and still manages to pull back in side the pole. so keep it loose if u stretch it with your hands and it doesnt slowly creep pack in the pole tighten it so it does.i would probly fish 6 lb top and 5.5lb bottom, and the hooklenth of just under a foot, put only place dropper shot or style w8s on the hooklength. hope this helps.
maver red holow core elastic, 6 lb line 12 hook , hook the fish pull ur top round to the side away from the snags then dip ur tip and w8 for the fish to come to the top then ease him over the net! ps break ur pole down to the top section and just hold ur pole tip under the water.
i think the mainline breaks and the entire lot of tubing lead and beads slide of the line as well , just leaving the fish with the line and hooklength.
has any one noticed that evry thing korda is a failure, becuase they had a bad batch of hooks, a bad batch of iq, a bad batch of pva. how much more bad batches is there going to be? we can only take so much before we just stop bothering with korda and take are dollar some where else.
i no this is getting boring now about all the zigs but i no how they work and i have used them in the summer and caught loads but is any one currently or has fished them through the winter ,to find the fish in mid water where they might be holding up? if so any tips and advice. thanks shaun
well i used to have my hairs about 5 mm off the bend of the hook, but after watchin the korda under water vids its amaizing how many times a carp pics up the bait witth out gettin the hook in its mouth so now i have shortend my hair to about 1-2 mm and its worked better for me.
chod rigs hav hook lengths of usually 3 inches that are fixed between two beads, and helipcopter hooklengths a usually run up and down the line from the lead up to a bead that stops it moving.
the lake im goin to fish is 11 acres 3 and a half feet maximum in depth and i can only use one rod on this water, what would u lot do? either zig rig , maggot ball, single roving hook baits small pva bags, dinamite lol ?
why is it that frank warwhik only evr uses long shank for pop ups and wide gape for bottom baits can i ask? does any one use both these hook for different situations.
has any one used esp gost stiff link i was palying with my m8s and it looked so ugly i thorght it was a tow rope! it looks so thick and ugly i dont no whether to try it? any one got any suggestions or comments on it? any help wud be very great ful lads! cheerz
ive not used that in ages i think its a lighter colouer than the coating and its braid i think m8, dont go word for word on that i ent used it in ages.