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Everything posted by pineaplepopup

  1. what are linkets? i herd of them from this site in the shop bit of the site but i carnt find out what they are?
  2. i went to my tackle shop yesterday and they had no korda hooks in so i had to buy some fox raptors i forgot how good these hook were cuz ive been on nuthing else but the kordas there well worth a look plus a bit cheaper!
  3. tar boys, ill give it ago to nite along wid my new bivvy and sleeping bag.
  4. elo evry one ive been fishing a lake with lots of silt all over but yesterday i found a tiny little gravvel patch, im woundering what rig should i put on it, and what bait sould i use. the water is bout 3 foot maximum but with plenty of colour on it. the lake record goes to bout 34lb and the average is bout mid 20 , can any one help.tar lads
  5. i have a catalog for whychwwod and it says that the crimps are only for use with there own braids because they wont hold out on any other braid or stiff link.
  6. a photo film pot lid works best i find. just put o small hole in the centre of the lid then push this over the swivvell on the lead.this stops u casting as far but u feel more confident in your rig.
  7. ive seen the stack rig rip very pressured waters apart, 4 size 12 mil boiles on a small hook about a 8, this work very well when first intrduced on a water but dries up after they get hammerd on it. ive been thinking about it and i thought that the carp would have to approach the rig from one way meaning that evry thing would be hidden away from the carp. meaning it wont see ya rig. it has to aprroach the bait face on.
  8. i have been using the chod rig mait watch as the bites are alittle diffrerent
  9. i was fishing bourrowpit this year and a bloke had 6 foot of leadcore with a swivvel both ends , i told him the effects it could have and he told me to mind my own business and to f#>^ off!
  10. dont you splice leadcore to make the loops or tieing swivels on. are these knots in the fox rig book? Last edited by moseyoakboy on 4th Oct 2005 at 14:34 You said about putting swivvels on dont put them at the end nearest your main line as this will create a death rig for the carp if it should break your mainline. which lead core do you have? as most come with a free splicing needle and full instructions on how to splice and to attch your mainline , the best leadcore i have used is the esp one and i avoid the fox ones as thelead core comes through the main material. if u can not find a splicing needle gardner mack some excellent ones.hope this helps m8 let me no how u get on
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