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Everything posted by pineaplepopup

  1. id rather have the fish see it and avoid it than not see it and be spooked by it! hope that helps it what i believe in all my fishiing.
  2. just a inch to make a hinge rig i match the colour to the lake bed
  3. i love the stealth skin but the only problem i have found with it , is that the outer coating peels of on its own from reeling in and pulling it over the bottom. but stealth skin is very very good
  4. just checked em there fine. but i saw the line snap in between the tipe and the lead so the tip wasnt in contact withe the part that broke.
  5. but i saw the line snap in the middle from my tip to the lead it never sanpped by the tip ring plus ive had the rods for years ans never had any other problems ive jsut respooled mt reels with esp.
  6. yer cuz i saw the line break in the middle as soon as i lifted the rod. and the line was still on the swivvel just not the tubing and the lead clip plus lead.
  7. i actually wa thinkin of that but the lake gets drained 2 a year and ive seen the bottom theres nuthin there, so i think i just wont be buying kryston again and go bk to my good old trusted esp.although it is like rope but other than that i carnt fault it.
  8. no mate this lake is tiny like less than an acre (acording to the board on the fishsery) this lake is perfectly smooth bottmed and i dragged the marker over it anough times, what knot do u use with the line cuz i been using the polarmor knot and im not happy with it? what strain have u got it in?
  9. it snapped though as soon as i got the rod vertical though and it snapped smack bang in the middle between my rod tip and the lead.
  10. it only had the hook to the swivvel it ejected the rest of the rig, the fish also had two other rigs in its mouth!!!!!!!!!!! the mouth on the fish was massive i could of got my fist in its mouth with out touching the sides of its gob!
  11. i use the esp one and i find it by far the best ive used. pulle bout 5 inches of lead out of the outer material , the put the needle through the outer material and start to push it towards the end of the leadcore, when u get half way up the material poke the splicing needle out of the side of the matrerial now grab the end of the lead core with the splicng needle and gently pull the leadcore through its self,(this will take time and patience). hope this helps mate let men no how u get on ok good luk and tight lines. PS i tie a loop at each end of the leadcore and tie my mainline to the the loop with a four turn water knot.
  12. i went to the riddings yesterday and had 3 blinding runs and lost evry one! i changed my line the day before to krystonite and it just broke of half way between the lead and my tip for no reason it never rubbed on any thing either! so i payed £ 17 for the line £15 in rigs £12 to fish , now ive got to go bk to my old line trusted ESP which is another £15, BUT THE MOST HEART BREAKING BIT IS THAT A BLOKE CAUGHT A 31 LB 2 OZ MIRROR WITH MY RIG IN ITS GOB!!!!!!!!!!! THAT WOULD OF BEEN A NEW PB FOR ME AND THE PICS WOULD OF LOOKED GOOD CUZ THIS FISH WAS AEWSOME. IM CONCIDERING SUICIDE BUT I CARNT AFFORD THE FUNERL NOW IVE GOT TO GO OUT AND BY ALL THAT LOT GAIN.
  13. which lead core have u got? they all cum with instructions.
  14. lol not many of em used shockleaders but the ones that did said braidid ones , no one actually said a mono one. lol
  15. dont no mate but ive nevr had one evr pull out on me evr, plus just dab it with a bit of glue , it must jsut be the force it cums under thatr keeps it in place
  16. esp leadcore alllllllllllllllllllllll the way! its brilliant far better than any other lead core ive ever used colour is quite good as well, plus the lead never comes through the outer material.
  17. what rigs do u guys fish at the riddings specimin pool? plz any help would realy be hepful cuz im going there on friday!!!!!!!!
  18. yer u got me thinkin, i just cum bk from a night seshion and i was walking round askin evry one what they thourght.lol sad realy
  19. what shockleader does every one like best a braidid one or a mono one and what ones do u use and the knot u tie it with? thanks evry one
  20. does nay one use ESP line? ive used it for ages and carnt fault it really. but when ur loading ur reel which way shud u pull the line of the spool? as in with a stick in the hole and just reel in so it pulles it self round, or face the spool towards u face on and wind it on ur reel like that, i had a bit of twist doing it with the stick through the hole, is the face on method any better at keeping twist out?
  21. thanks evry one for all ur help! i have used the chod rig in the silt on this lake but had an aborted take where as ive fished the same rig before with no problems, so i think the fish no what there doing. i have started to use the inline lead on the gravel to increse the hooking effect,b ut as of yet i havent had a take:( lol cheerz lads ill let u know how i get on!
  22. thanks for that m8, i could of probly guessed what they were from there name lol.
  23. lol ok tar my mistake, where are u from?
  24. salokcinnodrog is ur second name seeney
  25. ive been fishing a lake that is bout 11 acres, 3 foot deep maximum, and very very silty all over the lake apart from one peg that ive found a gravel spot its bout 8 feet in diamter. ive fished this spot twice now and had one aborted take. i realy need to put a fish on the bank soon cuz i wont be able to do much more fishing cuz of college. this lake is quite pressured and almost curtain that no one knows bout this spot so i no it doesnt get fished that often. how can i get a run? i was fishin helicopter rig over it but after the aborted take ive now changed to a short hooklength with a inline lead to help increase the hooking effect. can any one give me any tips or tricks to get a run and hopfully land it?
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