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Everything posted by salokcinnodrog

  1. That is usually when I crack-off, when I've not been checking regularly enough
  2. Welcome to Carp.com. You will get loads of different opinions on what line, and other considerations you need to think about. Do you need a casting line, or a line suitable for dealing with snags, gravel and weed? A low visibility line in the water? All will give different answers. General purpose lines I would recommend two of the cheaper lines, both of which have been around for a while, and are in my opinion better than many or even most more expensive lines. The two lines are Daiwa Sensor in brown, or Gardner Pro Light or Dark blend.
  3. I have stuck with Mono and a 40/ 50lb leader for years, the mono is Gardner Pro in 15lb, and I rarely have crack-offs, although an occasional one happens when I mistime a cast, either with that or my fishing rods. Years ago I did use braid, and I had that wear through both the tip and butt rings on the rod. I also had a tendency to crack-off more frequently! I recently heard a lake banned braid on spod and Spomb rods as they discovered a large number of cracked-off spods around the lake, and retrieved a few. Sadly I can't recall who it was as it was a shared post on my Faceache feed. It's possible that because there is no stretch (or minimal) crack-offs occur more often as the spod/Spomb hits the clip hard on the cast, or on a mistimed cast and the angler snaps the bail arm over.
  4. I googled it, http://www.linbrookcarpfishery.co.uk thats the one I founded
  5. At the price you can get it for, take the no brainer. Definitely worth a punt at that price Seems to tick the boxes better than some more expensive brollies I can think of.
  6. Must admit if fishing to snags I do point straight at the snag, but with a very tight line, and hit every bleep, so the fish doesn't make it. You have to be right on the rods, no excuses, and singles are best for that. It is very easy to play fish around slack lines, as pretty much the line drops straight down from the rod tip, so all playing is done past the line, and the untouched line never comes into play. Current has meant I have to be fishing tight lines the past few years, but the distance involved from rod to end tackle means I can play a fish around other lines. With three rods on bars it is probably the middle rod that is hardest to play and land a fish on! Even then, daytimes you can gauge the line as you play the fish and keep it below or above the other lines. Not so easy at night though!
  7. salokcinnodrog


    Some from Nazeing meads
  8. From the album: Nazeing

    Nazeing 32
  9. Best advice is point your rods at your lead, or as close as possible to straight. I nearly always use 3 rods on my pod now, so tend to have a slight fan or splay from left to right. One is usually on bait, one just off, and one as a rover or cast long. If I fish 2 rods, again as straight as possible on goalpost buzzer bars. If you do need to fish in opposite directions on separate features then individual sticks is better. On one lake I fish, its possible to have my buzzer bars with one rod on the near margin, and one to the far margin.
  10. Welcome to Carp.com. I have moved your post into UK Venues section of the forum. The only information I have seen on Linbrook is on the internet, if thats the one you mean near Ringwood in Hampshire. Some nice looking fish with pretty sensible rules
  11. No worries, sometimes a bit of provocation gets you to expand on your opinions, I wanted you to open out a bit. No offence was intended I think the amount we see of the EA varies across the country, and definitely in the number of bailiffs we see. Admittedly the EA don't help themselves at times; a friend of mine was fishing a match on a Sunday on a river. A whole row of anglers, probably not all with a licence, maybe they all did, who knows. Anyway, he fished on the Monday, the only angler on the stretch, when it was tipping it down, in a peg that had thrown up a couple of big roach the day before when he was 'disturbed' by the bailiff. The bailiff commented about not checking licences the day before with 'we don't work on a Sunday'. Do non licenced anglers not fish on a Sunday?
  12. I was being slightly sarcastic It was made to get you to see what the EA do, there is no distinction between syndicate, club or season ticket. I think you will find, Bayeswater had already been warned by the EA that the amount of weed could cause a potential oxygen crash. The aerator was already planned. A syndicate local to me had the same issue with their water, and so did a club. The EA provided an aerator until the syndicates aerator was repaired. The local club chose to get committee members to de-weed the water. In the Lea valley, a water had an oxygen crash after sudden rainfall cooled the water at spawning time. The EA did the post mortems for free, even though the Lea Valley have their own fishery manager. Not being funny, but any club or day ticket water that does not have otter fencing is a fool unto themselves. £100,000 on stock and £10000 on an otter fence. Don't fence it and you spend the same on stock again next year. To me that is not necessarily an EA problem, that is a fishery problem, but the EA are putting grant money to the fencing. The EA will prosecute for a fly tip, members clearing it themselves means no prosecution can take place, or getting a private company to do it. The EA will investigate. I hold by my point, if you as a syndicate want immediate help from the EA, then you should pay for a licence for that help. A dog walker could see that lake 'explode', call the EA, and help is given.
  13. You may never have been checked in 23 years, but I actually got checked 5 years on the trot, and on more than one occasion in a year. I was checked on my season ticket lake, a park lake and a stretch of the Lea. If a lake is syndicate and suddenly develops a problem, it will be the EA who reacts, although under your scenario they wouldn't need to, after all, your members can deal with it... Or maybe the EA will bring an aerator in that you need, as fast as they can, and its done for free. Some areas have a major problem, its not just fisheries and fish. Its dealing with fly tips in watercourses, although maybe your syndicate would be able to clear up the rubbish if they got tipped...
  14. Thinking about your situation, and wonder if the JRC Defender shelter would work for you? http://www.jrc-fishing.co.uk/jrc-bivvies-jrc-defender/jrc-defender-shelter/1454191-0300.html#start=7
  15. I get my dog to keep the spare canister warm, saves getting cold feet on one in the sleeping bag.
  16. Quite simply YES! I also think fisheries themselves should be licensed, especially Day ticket commercials.
  17. Get Butane/iso-butane/propane gas canisters, rather than plain butane propane mix. Simple tip; never boil more water than you need. I do laugh (and cringe) when I see 'go petrol stove'. After issues with Coleman stoves on the bank I will never ever use a petrol stove on the bank again. I had a Peak1 stove fail on the bank. It refused to open the valve, despite being properly serviced. After taking it apart, servicing it on the bank, it eventually sprayed me with petrol. Thank goodness my Mrs had the foresight to tip a bottle of water over my face and head. Add to that, carrying a spare gas canister in the rucksack is easy, extra petrol is more awkward, needing a fuel can explicitly, plus the added risk of petrol on the hands as you fill up.
  18. I prefer red, white and green indicators to match my alarm heads. I have got them set very tight here to cope with tow on The Lagoon. The actual reel is quite loose in the event of a take though.
  19. Best way of keeping them sharp when fishing? Don't use them You may find some waters your hook will go blunt just being cast into the lake, and sharpened hooks can be worse for that! Anything can blunt a hook, snags, running over gravel, sticks, twigs or stones, or even sitting in silt. Personally, I don't sharpen hooks, I use makes that are sharp enough out of the pack to bring tears to the eyes. If the brand is not that good, then find a brand or make that is.
  20. If you fish Ardleigh, the good guys like James (Shakey on here) will often put the kettle on for you. Its the ones who don't you worry about Saying that I've gone coffee only, a Bialetti stove top coffee maker
  21. I use the Fox Warrior 42" net, standard one piece handle; they do two versions, the two piece handle or the one piece. Have a word with Buzzbomb, he can probably tell you what tackle can be imported into the USA from what shops to use.
  22. I keep going on about it, but most of my sessions on Ardleigh were all based around work. I would finish at 6 or 7 at night, and drive straight from work to Ardleigh, before my next shift starting at 11am. If I ever managed a couple of days off together I would fish, but it was mostly the overnight sessions that produced fish, hence why I know it was 8 fish in 19sessions. An overnight trip would see me park at the main lodge and ticket office, walk down past the sailing club and boats to the next entrance at Lodge Lane, walk back to the lodge, so I was 'double checking', drive back to Lodge Lane, then walk and look to Wick Lane dam, then back to the car, drive down to Wick Lane and walk along the opposite bank from Wick Lane up. It was then a choice of where I reckoned was best if I didn't see anything. I rarely fished the Butterfly arm!
  23. Every fish I caught from there was hard earned, and I enjoyed everyone, no matter what the weight, but those two big fully scaleds were special.
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