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Everything posted by fatfish

  1. You have a PM mate
  2. Well i am the fish farmer Mark has ordered the fish from 2 tons of carp 14-16kg AND 2 X 29KG carp FACT Mr Neil Wilson FCS Pisciculture www.frenchcarpsupplies.com
  3. Sorry mate it's not a dig at you just the way i feel about that kind of lake.
  4. Yes don't bother.................................Dream lakes is as far away as you can get from CARP FISHING carp prostitution yes
  5. It can be VERY trick mate the fish have A levels in getting away with it. But if you are there when they are having it they will take anything if they are being cute get as tight as you can under the bushes and hit any movement Good luck
  6. I dont know if you will have to pay to use the boat ? i didn't know you could use a boat at Ian's places. Bait well that will depend on if the fish are feeding or not ? just remember you can always put more in but you cant take it out.Just look at who is catching and do the same or ask Ian the owner.
  7. Were are you going ?
  8. OK mate i know both lakes and the owners very well both have a very good head of quality fish (Funny that ) and both have very nice lakes i am sure you would have a good holiday at either.
  9. No suprice Dave they have one of the best fisherys in France FACT ! The reason i push them mate is that they can cater for all kinds of angler be it first timers ,seasoned anglers,Familys,gropes you name it's basically the ideal fishery. Yes i do have many clients who i deal with in France and if someone is looking for a fishery that tick's there box i will propose that fishery just so happens that Blavet seem to tick more boxes than outher fishery in my
  10. Yes 'Carp quarry' would fit the bill also being thay are in the same area. sorry Gordon forgot you were there
  11. You say you are coming from Ireland so i am presuming your boat will be coming into the port of 'St Malo' if so why not try Blavet Valley lakes they are just 1h from the port and have all you are looking for. Best of luck PS tell them Neil sent You
  12. Any biggish river in France is worth fishing.Get a map and take your pick.
  13. I have fished the same 'Lac' a few years ago.There are some VERY BIG carp in 'Montbel' but finding them is the hard part.If you look across from the boat yard point past the 2 little islands you will see another point about 2miles away just to the right of this point there is a a mass of uncut trees under the surface if you have a sounder have a look. This is a good starting point don't expect to bag up as the Lac is understocked for it's size but if you get a few out per season you have done well. there are fish to well over 60lb Good luck
  14. There you go
  15. I have not fished it but i stocked all the carp in there.Trust me there is some cracking fish in there and never been fish for give it a go the fishing will be easy for the first few who fish it
  16. Told you I will be doing a week in July on there should be fun.
  17. You wont go far wrong at Adams place
  18. The lake has done some BIG fish in the last week or so
  19. Cracking waters but they can be very tricky some times.Don't expect to just flick out a bait and start holing think about what you are doing and you should catch.The fish in all there lakes have a taste for sweet corn But they can and do come in and eat all your bait but leave the hook bait i saw this several times last year very cleaver fish but very rewarding when you sus them out. Think,look,catch Best of luck
  20. Paul's lakes are not that big so finding the fish should be no problem i would fish them like you would any UK water fish with a good bait Activ 8 should work well.There are no 'Poissant chat' in the lakes there are some big cat fish that will pull your string if you hook one. If you ask Paul he will put you right as i am sure he would wont you to catch. Good luck
  21. I know the owner Paul well and the lakes to some degree ? what do you need to know.
  22. Yes 25 kg should be fine take a sack of pellet also.
  23. I am sure a lot of his bait go's into the lake but i would take a back up bait with you i know they love a good quality fish meal in there.And practice your long rang fishing a lot of fish come from long rang (120m +)
  24. I think you should call Micky the owner there is NO bait ban i can guarantee you that ? the fish have not as big as they have by just eating 'Maize'
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