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Everything posted by marker

  1. its catton park (derbyshire) not cotton cotton park is definitely not a runs water
  2. bolesworth castle, its just outside chester along the a41 near broxton, it belongs to stoke on trent angling society, its a decent runs water, very picturesque and well worth a look
  3. what about a stockport fed card, poynton seems to have a few decent fish in it
  4. i voted warrington but to be honest you'll find the waters of both clubs rammed
  5. its dovemere mate, run by prince albert, they have a 3 year waiting list for membership http://www.paas.co.uk
  6. cracking lake sandhurst, its not hard fishing either, as has been said, just watch the water and wait for them to show then fish the area. your biggest problem will be getting on the fish because it can be quite busy. first time i went i had a cracking session banking a brace of 30's its a great water for big carp, although i'm not a big fan of the new scheme they are running
  7. well i'm glad you posted the picture mate, at least now your not going to use that rig, i must admit its a real shocker
  8. Some years ago Partridge bought out D rig hooks complete with ring and the hair whipped onto the shank, they even did them in green Didn't Carp-R-Us (on Nailers ?) and Big Fish Adventure also follow suit? I gave some of the Carp-R-Us ones that I got as samples somewhere to a mate who was having problems tying them. I also made up some myself using Whipping thread or cotton and a short length of Amnesia yeah they did nick, i actually started with the big fish adventure ones because they were based on my favourite b175's they were very expensive though, from memory they were £3 for a packet of 5 and this was in the late 90's, hideously expensive at the time thats what led me to whip my own, buying the materials and doing them yourself was miles cheaper, i don't tend to use the rig often these days but i've still got my fly tying vice handy just in case the rig was very very effective and it helped me crack a real tough nut of a water at the time
  9. i use 20lb amnesia and whip my 'd' with fly tying cotton, instead of using a rig ring i use a small loop of mono as a hair rig like this.... http://anglersdiary.blogspot.com/2008/07/carp-rigs-d-rig.html its a cracking rig
  10. well your close enough to the waters mate...and it is one of the best clubs in the area
  11. they are one of the biggest clubs in the area mate, the capes estate is very well known in carp fishing circles, they have some of the biggest and most sought after carp in the area their waters aren't easy to fish, catching from capesthorne and redesmere requires effort and dedication but the rewards are there if you succeed
  12. theres a place called lakemore near crewe http://www.lakemorefisheries.co.uk/
  13. i voted eyed, in fact i don't know a carp angler thats ever used a spade end hook
  14. surprised you can't find anywhere mate, it rained last night so you'd expect most places to thaw out
  15. the bottom beads are fixed in place jack, the loop is free to rotate around. the top bead is very wide bore as is the top loop. its the bore of the top bead and the top loop that makes the rig safer than a standard helicopter rig when you use a leader and your line breaks, you have to make sure any stop beads can clear the leader knot/splice. the cv safety rig is a helicopter setup that was designed to make this as easy as possible. i must admit i ducked writing about leaders for ages and it took me a while to pull that entry together, even then i still wasn't sure about it but i put it out anyway with the hope that it would get people thinking if nothing else, so i'm glad its given you food for thought personally i won't use leadcore or any other kind of leader because i don't believe they are as safe as tubing
  16. hi zander, thats my blog so perhaps i should try and explain lol as keith points out, the old cv safety rig doesn't use a loop of leadcore, it uses a solid wire loop and its there to stop the hooklink running back up the leadcore (the loop actually spins as its loose fitting and it must be a solid metal loop not leadcore as you've done!). its needed because the top bead has an exceptionally wide bore and it isn't held in place with anything unlike a conventional helicopter rig (its so loose your hooklink would simply end up sliding off your leadcore on the cast without the loop). obviously the wide bore is to make sure the bead and in turn the hooklink can come away in the event of a breakage, the bore of the bead is wide enough to pass over a leader knot or a splice if its set up correctly, its about as safe as you can get for leadcore although probrably not as safe as not using it at all and if you read the whole entry you'll see that its actually an anti leadcore message with a safest option for those that choose to bury their heads in the sand and tell themselves its safe to use if that makes sense
  17. probrably wyreside mate, its a commercial water with a good stock of fish, shakerley is no longer day ticket so you'd need to join lymm, i doubt much will come out of shakey before the weather warms up
  18. all the liverpool park lakes are free fishing theres also free fishing on the river dee at farndon too
  19. i think the rules have changed mate, there is a new regime in charge at lymm, they've lowered their prices and sleeping on your rods is now allowed
  20. like canontroop i may only get a few pickups from june until november so i class 2 fish a session as a runs water. i've fished sandhurst a couple of times now on booked weekends with up to 15 of my mates and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves each time, we had the lake to ourselves and we managed to fire up that big barbie in the second car park for a very good social most of my mates broke pb's on our trips, including me we've booked again for this year it was so good
  21. i suppose it depends on your point of view mate, all our waters up north are sparsely stocked so to me sandhurst is a runs water
  22. are you serious? if you are did you not read his post properly? yeah i read the post mate, venue down south for 5 days, they can book 10 tickets well in advance from cemex, not all carpers so somewhere with bream/tench etc, have you seen the size of the tench and bream in sandhurst?. the fishing isn't difficult either and with 5 days theres a reasonable chance most of them would walk away with new pb's including the youngsters i think a special venue like sandhurst would be an ideal place to see off a mate who was emigrating, its a very famous venue and the size of the fish would make it a trip to remember, it ticks all the boxes as far as i can see
  23. sandhurst is £500 per 24hrs, a grand for a weekend (48hrs), split between 15 its not quite as bad as it sounds
  24. no showers on sandy but you can pop over to the sports centre over the road and use theirs at a cost of £2
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