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Everything posted by Salfordcarl

  1. Chad lakes near Morton in the marsh. Their it Facebook page says the carp have this morning started spawning.
  2. I really want to get into the carp world deeper. Just now borne watching Terry tellin. Tales on YouTube lol. Im looking at wood norton sections and ripple for carp but all I’m hearing is otter this otter that on the Avon. Barbel on the Arrow seems the same story.
  3. No mate, I’m still unsure what to do this year. I want to get out but can’t decide where to go. Probably just hit I little day ticket local. Alghough the lure lure of a Warwickshire Avon carp has me wondrous
  4. https://www.embryoangling.org/ they have done a few but mostly they are syndicated lakes.
  5. There are loads in Birmingham. I don’t know what they are like but they are there.
  6. I had 5 hrs at it Saturday gone without a touch.
  7. I’ve tried them for barbel without any joy. Trouble is there well tasty so kept eating them myself
  8. Yes, the point I was making was this particular meat is fish based not the normal pork. High in salmon roe I think I read?
  9. Anybody used this before for fishing? I saw some today in the local pound shop. Merry christmas
  10. That’s a great offer thanks! I’ll give it some thought.
  11. I haven’t no. Cotswold water park is somewhere I’m looking into. Horseshoe is the carp society’s is it not?
  12. After spending the last couple of years doing overnighters here and there I want a venue I can join and have a real bash at. An ideas worcester/Evesham way?
  13. I might be completely off but don’t you mount the ring swivel on a “d” loop?
  14. I’ll add me tupnth worth here. I have in a bait bucket 2 types of boilie. 1 lot is Nash instant action Candy nut crush, the other is a tiger and maple flavour from a brand I had never heard of. The Nash are 15mm and the others 18mm. They must have been in the shed 2 months. The Nash have gone rock hard but the others still soft. Don’t know why. I also have a bag of Nash monster crab in the cupboard unopened. Giving them a squeeze through the bag they are much softer than the open ones. All above are shelf life bait.
  15. Yeah Thanks all for the input. Im still a little undecided what to do. I’ve lost my mojo for fishing lately. I haven’t been out in a couple of months. I need something to spark me back up. I’m booked on a lake in 2 weeks for a bit of a social with a mate so we’ll see how that goes.
  16. They look the part. How do you rate them?
  17. No mate. South Warwickshire. It’s the Warwickshire Avon.
  18. As per my other thread, starting a bash on the river in a likely looking spot. What do you spend on prebait. I’ve found whole maze for 63p a kg raw. Is this a good starting point for the campaign adding a few tigers and boilies latter on.
  19. I don’t have a ticket for mike and mike of river. Just dayticket stretches here and there. I may may be wasting my time but I’m going to give it a bash. Its its got to be better than a dayticket lake full of idiots casting all over the place, radios blasting etc
  20. I’m going to bang some bait in and see. Its a almost still water bay near a bridge and island. Lilly’s a gravel bed. Near a boat moorings. Looks right so we’ll see what happens.
  21. I understand that location is by far the most important thing with all fishing. Especially river carping. Now, I have nothing against walking the banks and looking, spending the time there, but what are the signs I should be looking for? I have a couple of spots locally I think look likely but have never seen carp there or any fish for that matter. It’s fair to say my watercraft is somewhat lacking. Any pointers?
  22. I have fished it twice. First time the middle pool. Far end by the over hanging tree. Got hammered by bream and reeled in to get some kip! the first pool the second time. Not a bite all day 14lb common in the night. This pools alive with rats come dark. All around on the bank. Not it much help but it was quiet both times I went which I something in its self.
  23. I've been and seen the manager. It's a no go, "due to the sites Heath and safety policies blah blah blah" Not interested at all. On wards and up wards.
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