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  1. Chad lakes near Morton in the marsh. Their it Facebook page says the carp have this morning started spawning.
  2. I really want to get into the carp world deeper. Just now borne watching Terry tellin. Tales on YouTube lol. Im looking at wood norton sections and ripple for carp but all I’m hearing is otter this otter that on the Avon. Barbel on the Arrow seems the same story.
  3. No mate, I’m still unsure what to do this year. I want to get out but can’t decide where to go. Probably just hit I little day ticket local. Alghough the lure lure of a Warwickshire Avon carp has me wondrous
  4. That’s a great write up. Cheers
  5. https://www.embryoangling.org/ they have done a few but mostly they are syndicated lakes.
  6. There are loads in Birmingham. I don’t know what they are like but they are there.
  7. I had 5 hrs at it Saturday gone without a touch.
  8. I’ve tried them for barbel without any joy. Trouble is there well tasty so kept eating them myself
  9. Yes, the point I was making was this particular meat is fish based not the normal pork. High in salmon roe I think I read?
  10. Anybody used this before for fishing? I saw some today in the local pound shop. Merry christmas
  11. That’s a great offer thanks! I’ll give it some thought.
  12. I haven’t no. Cotswold water park is somewhere I’m looking into. Horseshoe is the carp society’s is it not?
  13. After spending the last couple of years doing overnighters here and there I want a venue I can join and have a real bash at. An ideas worcester/Evesham way?
  14. I might be completely off but don’t you mount the ring swivel on a “d” loop?
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