Yesterday's session
Well what can I say
I found a group of fish after hours of looking, got everything done really quietly, so quietly the fish were milling over my 2 margin spots. Of course I was rubbing my hands together. I watched them for an hour or so when from nowhere appeared several fishermen. Right behind my bivvy, baring in mind I was the only one fishing. 3 old boys and the rest around the same age as me I suppose.
They thought nothing of laughing and joking calling eachother this and that in raised voices, in full view of the very fish I was fishing for.
I actually watched all of the fish slope off, and then stepped out of my bivvy. Not one for confrontation plus I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, I explained to them all that these fish were very finicky plus I was only fishing a couple of yards out, at which point they all looked very apologetic and moved on.
I waited another hour but nothing returned, so I went for a walk, found a couple of fish, set up, in the usual manner and sat back with all the days events a distant memory.
Then the nasty little critters moved in, all night long, bleep, bleep, bleep, I didn't get a wink of sleep.
So to sum up yesterday's session, not the best but at least I was out trying and as for crayfish, hate them lol