Right i've started today compiling a loooooong list of kit used in the persuit of Carp.
Initially so i could get an idea of what it's cost me to blank on a regular basis lol
Which got me wondering what insurence companies require in the event you need to make a claim, I guess it does depend of the company but has anyone had to make a claim and could shed some light on what was involved ?
My house contents covers me for my kit even at the bankside but excludes rods broken due to getting stepped on for some strange reason !!
Having typed that i should phone them and ask what they require but the law of s o d would suggest i end up making a claim soon there after looking very suspicious....
My list can be backed up by recipts but not for everything i own probably like a good many of us.
Would a list suffice backed up by photo's or are they insistant on proof of purchase ?
You thoughts and experiance peeps !