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Is it the ones opposite the Larch mere estate??? IF so...

The Bailiffs on there are complete Numptys and there is far too many teenage idiots hanging around doing things they shouldn't be unfortunately :cry: its only a few minuets walk from me and there are some nice fish in there, but fishing it isnt enjoyable, i was planning on fishing it a while back- theres a thread on it somewhere with good advice off some very talented people of how to fish it :?


The Black Fords progressive angling society waters mainly, 4 decent pools to fish including 2 resevoirs all on one syndicate :)


They are based around Caltheath/Gaily, The turf on the A5, and 2 Lakes near the cannock/bridgetown Sainsburys.


hi reading about pools information aint fished them properly for a few years but have regular contact .The car park pool[dandoes}has more carp stock than back pool .Both have low 20s in.The back pool [green] has mainly commons in very nice condition mainly around 16lbs.Watch out for large Terrapin in Green pool likes sweetcorn

hi reading about pools information ain't fished them properly for a few years but have regular contact .The car park pool[dandoes}has more carp stock than back pool .Both have low 20s in.The back pool [green] has mainly commons in very nice condition mainly around 16lbs.Watch out for large Terrapin in Green pool likes sweetcorn


THere is also a decent ghostie in the car park pool, ive seen a few pics of a 20+ mirror which is why i wanted to fish it in the first place but you also get torags from chezzo and ashma ect sessioning on there (as in they gather and get blotto and mess about :( ).


One of the bailiffs told me there was a 40+ pike, yeh right :wink:


There are 3 ghost carp in the dandoes[car park pool]the big one just tops 20.Its also a good winter water as a friend of mine gets better results this time of year.Pike wise the green has the larger pike to around 23.Lived therefor31years and night fishing was a nightmare 15years ago with p****d up yobs,balliff says a lot better now no trouble.

  • 2 months later...

Anyone have any advice on these pools going down there next week for a session, Havent been fishing for over 2 years for various reasons and this will be my first proper session back on the bank :D

  • 1 year later...

Its been along time since i wet a line on there when i was young i cut my teeth on there so to speak 10 years or so.


so whats the stock like in there now, I am lazy really i only live a couple of minutes walk away did a bit of pre-baiting on the back pool about a year ago but it never really got going.


i dont stocks changed but they keep saying the ghost carp have disappeared.But you have got to remember they have been in there nearly 20 years so they are pretty old and with the last 2 winters they could have died.2 lads have been catching on back pool in the last month

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