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New water needed!


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Hi Steve,


Its a tough one that - if I were to promote my current lake it could well get busier than I'd like it, but on the other hand if no-one new joins and old members move on the club could go under through lack of interest and that would be much worse. Carping wise this particular club venue is really unknown - theres nothing on the web about it, must be pretty rare! :shock:8)


Good luck with the new water mate! Think I've a few blogs to catch up on - I'm hoping to have a catch report to write myself this weekend as my boy has suddenly become mega interested in piking so I'm hell bent on helping him catch something to remember and tell his friends about! :wink: Good lad he's finally getting the bug big time off his own back - should have an angling buddy for life! :D

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I get many emails each week asking me where my waters are.

I have always given out the info for the 'pack' but not others.


I never answer emails for location of waters unless they are polite.


I get abuse too for not revealing them sometimes.


That goes with the territory I guess.


Most anglers are polite and understanding when I say


"out of respect for the other anglers fishing there I cannot revel its location".


I try to take a measured approach in everything I do and say, without discrimination.

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Sounds familiar - though I bet you get a shed load more requests than most people.


I'll happily talk about some venues - others not a chance! you have to keep some stuff for yourself :wink:


You shouldn't get any grief for not giving out info all the time! We all hold some info back and choose who we speak freely to - they should understand that!

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Sounds familiar - though I bet you get a shed load more requests than most people.


I'll happily talk about some venues - others not a chance! you have to keep some stuff for yourself :wink:


You shouldn't get any grief for not giving out info all the time! We all hold some info back and choose who we speak freely to - they should understand that!


Kev, Steve,

I fully agree with you that it is down to your personal choice as to who or whom you reveal information to.

I know in the water that Paul mentioned at the start of the thread I have passed on a copy of the map I made of the water to a few select people. That is those who asked nicely or I felt would respect it, so I offered the info.


I may (in fact thinking about it, know) have mentioned the Reservoir I was fishing in Essex, yet after a few chats with people have decided that I really shouldn't name it. It is their water and they are still putting the effort in, even though I'm not any there any more, (maybe I will go back) it is not fair for me to say it by name.


We all need to respect others choices on whether they will pass information on, about a water directly or even as to its name or location. I asked someone on here politely if he was able to say where he caught a particular fish from (swim wise, I knew the water itself). He "refused" or more correctly, ignored my question, without causing me any offence, and I accepted the rebuttal in the way it was intended, not as an insult, but as a "Do your own work you lazy git" :wink::lol:


Sorry Paul, we have taken this wildly off your original topic question, but I hope you don't take it as an affront to you, but merely as an exchange of opinions on the waters and venues in the area.

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Mate I've found the 2nd part :D - gonna get them scanned at work, prob into pdf format.


Dont know how I could post on here or whether your allowed to - could email it to you?


If they say something along the lines of "Reproduction is banned" (think we should put that in for a few people as well :twisted::shock: ) on the cover or inside cover then posting publicly is not a good idea, so a PM would be better.

The only other way is if you ask the Publishers nicely and are allowed to post it :wink:

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Thanks nick - I emailed it instead :wink:


PMSL have found part 3 - will be mailing it out early next week :wink:


Got magazines everywhere :lol:


Sounds familiar, I gave you and Krista a load of Carp and Fishing mags at the Social and have still found more since :?:roll::lol:


I seem to remember some articles covering the Elstow complex, very interesting, especially some of the difficulties the anglers face on there regarding depth and the features :!:

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On reading your forums I have come to the conclusion that some of you think that they are the only ones that should be fishing a particular place at a particular time-you call other fishing people and new members of syndicates have as much right as the next person and yourselves to fish the venues-What you lot want is a lake each with only you fishing it!

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How did you draw that conclusion then ? :?


In this thread 6 different waters / complexes are mentioned. Patshull, Earith, The Woolpack, Elstow , Ringstead and Ecton.Fair enough they may be waters that some have fished in the past or possibly the future but why would anyone come on a public forum and announce where they are currently fishing ? If you spout off about where you fish and then post in the catch reports section you won't need Columbo to realise that your water is going to be getting a lot busier than you would like very quickly .


I go fishing for peace, tranquility and possibly a few fish ( if i'm lucky  :D  ). Why would i want to spoil that for myself and the other anglers who i would be fishing alongside ?


If you look through the venues section you will find a shed load of waters. How did you think those threads came about ?Not from people being secretive surely :lol:


Oh and yes, i would like a lake all to myself :D , Who wouldn't ???? :?

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Thanks nick - I emailed it instead :wink:


PMSL have found part 3 - will be mailing it out early next week :wink:


Got magazines everywhere :lol:


Sounds familiar, I gave you and Krista a load of Carp and Fishing mags at the Social and have still found more since :?:roll::lol:


I seem to remember some articles covering the Elstow complex, very interesting, especially some of the difficulties the anglers face on there regarding depth and the features :!:


Yes all your mags mate :wink:


I'll gladly take more off ya - especially any Carpworld - number 164 would be fab :wink:


On reading your forums I have come to the conclusion that some of you think that they are the only ones that should be fishing a particular place at a particular time-you call other fishing people and new members of syndicates have as much right as the next person and yourselves to fish the venues-What you lot want is a lake each with only you fishing it!


Katwel - theres loads of venues on the forum - I cant really see where your coming from tbh


I'm sure we could list lots more venues on threads about areas of the country - but just doing a search will bring most up, I've given plenty of info to people on here through the main site and pm's but I wont say where I'm currently on because I dont want it getting busier - even when I leave the place I wont go posting about it to help keep it unspoilt for the existing members.


I have to say that unless your very lucky or know someone you dont seem to get to find out about some waters at all! When you get lucky it would be crazy to go spouting off about it in public. Not just for my or another anglers sake but to protect the water from poachers etc.


No offence thats just how it is :wink:

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