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Freedom Lakes, gone bust


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I notice That Mrs_Rusheslake, Kim, has put a note on Facebook that Freedom Lakes has gone bust. A group of 8 anglers have just been caught out losing a lot of money in the process, for a week on Saturday.


Now please check any bookings carefully, and be aware of this fishery. I checked this morning, and the Freedom lakes website is still up

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I think this is extremely unlikely. Probably mischief by the previous English manager now departed.....

Bloody hell.... hearing that Freedom Lakes have gone bust? Group of 8 due on a week Saturday have lost their holiday and £2000. Its absolutely appalling ....








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I notice That Mrs_Rusheslake, Kim, has put a note on Facebook that Freedom Lakes has gone bust. A group of 8 anglers have just been caught out losing a lot of money in the process, for a week on Saturday.


Now please check any bookings carefully, and be aware of this fishery. I checked this morning, and the Freedom lakes website is still up

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c'est avec beaucoup de tristesse et d'amertume que nous vous communiquons cette nouvelle:

Suite à la décision du tribunal de commerce de Poitiers, nous sommes dans l'obligation d'annuler toutes les réservations et nous ne pouvons prendre aucune réservation supplémentaire à compter de ce jour.

cette décision est liée principalement à un détournement massif de clients et de fond de la part de l'an...cien associé...

nous cherchons un repreneur pour Freedom lakes et nous vous tiendrons informer de l'avancer du dossier.

merci de votre compréhension

Rémi et Jean-Noël


It's with great sadness that we inform you about this news:

after a justice decision of the Poitiers tribunal, we can't take booking and we must cancel all the booking.

this decision is related at the diversion of the customers and money by the former partner...

we search a buyer for freedom lakes and we will inform you about the progress of the file.

best regards

Rémi and Jean-Noël
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