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The Best Lakes in France?????

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Following on from another thread ralphj made the following observation...


As some of the best lakes in France never advertise Graviers, Lac de Curton (rainbow) and the late Maison de Lac Bleu. These are very well renowned lakes that survive through word of mouth and people trying to book two three years in advance.


Two of these lakes certainly do have the biggest fish in France BUT does that make them the best lakes in France?????


Would be interested in your views.


Also would suggest that the 'big' names that regularly frequent them 'advertise' them on a number of levels... and it is certainly not 'word of mouth'.

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Well thats the way of the world for a lot of carp anglers nowadays BIGGEST IS BEST. Now for me it's more about the overall experience and enjoyment not just the size of the fish. The surroundings, company, etc all go towards what makes a fishery not just the size of fish. France or the UK i could fish for monsters but i want more than that in my fishing and what a capture means to me is more important than size alone.

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I can see that there are monster hunters that are only interested in fish over 70lb but to catch a fish like that you may have to wait weeks if not years to catch, for me if I was going on a carp holiday I would want a good chance of getting a 30lb plus fish, a few beers with some good people and a bit of a giggle and some good grub and thats about it for me.

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We all have to accept what we want out of our carping and it can be a very complicated wish list. Personally i want pleasant surroundings with carp that are kept in good condition but, and it's a big but, I no longer want to catch doubles nor numbers of twenties. I have been carp angling for 43 years and my days of playing the numbers game are long over and I now love to settle back and wait for those big carp to come along. There is a special buzz to sitting behind rods knowing that there are, potentially, fifty pound plus carp examining your rigs.

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Interesting point Keith, now I am just think to myself would I want to go on a carp holiday where there was no chance of breaking my PB, I am not so sure I would if it was a once a year thing. So I guess for alot of people it comes down to what there best fish are.

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Guest fenboy

Firstly how can anyone say x is the best lake in france unless they have fished each and every one ?.

Secondly not every one is looking for the same thing from a holiday in france ,sure if your looking for a huge fish then rainbow or graviers may be the best bet ,my understanding of rainbow from what i read is that its is very hard going ,with huge waiting lists for swims which produce ,stuffed full of snags and requires end tackle more suited to sea fishing ! a boat is a must the weather can be atrocious and the swims become like a mire , not what I would call the best for me ! .

What I personally want is a well run uncrowded lake with a good head of decent size fish (20-40lb ) where if it or I fish well I may have a good few fish in my week as i dont like to slum it a good food package is also a must, good hosts complete my wish list .

I am sure if you ask 50 people they will have 50 answers to which is best and each ones answer will reflect on which fishery has given them what they personally require from thier holiday.

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I think you missed a very important part out of my original post Mrs Rushes, (is it not just that people have paid to advertise as they do on other forums) I appreciate your point about biggest is not always best but Keith had a good point also about not wanting to catch doubles and twenties so much anymore. Lets be honest the fishing in France craze started because the fish in general were bigger otherwise people would not be going over to start up fishing venues chasing the dream so to speak. People go to Spain on the Ebro to catch Cat's there are many fisheries in France that have Cat's but in general they dont single out fisheries solely for that reason, they will fish the Ebro for the biggies. It is probably correct that if people find a venue that they are happy with they will return year on year. But I think you will find that the waiting list and time you have to book in advance at these venues (Graviers and Rainbow) proves how popular they are. How many venues on forums are clambering for business week in week out. You see someone ask for a venue no more than 2 hours from Calais for example with fish over 50lb and over 10 acres. You have lots of venue owners saying, we have space we are a bit further than 2 hours perhaps 4, fish to 42lb and 5 acres in size. Nothing relevent to the original post whatsoever.

I think everyone has a different opinion I was just stating that the three previously mentioned lakes are shall we say the Man Utd, Liverpool and Arsenal of the fishing world not everyones cup of tea but certainly the top of their division. With no need to promote themselves through paid advertising

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Following on from another thread ralphj made the following observation...


As some of the best lakes in France never advertise Graviers, Lac de Curton (rainbow) and the late Maison de Lac Bleu. These are very well renowned lakes that survive through word of mouth and people trying to book two three years in advance.


Two of these lakes certainly do have the biggest fish in France BUT does that make them the best lakes in France?????


Would be interested in your views.


Also would suggest that the 'big' names that regularly frequent them 'advertise' them on a number of levels... and it is certainly not 'word of mouth'.


Graviers, and Lac De Curton (Rainbow) have definitely been advertised either on forums, in magazines or even in Books. In fact if I remember rightly, Nutrabaits did a Video filmed at Rainbow years ago, advertising the lake and showing a session fishing.


Graviers, Bill Cottam mentions the lake a number of times in his book, so to say that they are not advertised is incorrect. In the first place I am pretty positive that advertising space WAS paid for :wink:


The main 3 lakes mentioned are full because of the "Biggest is Best" approach by some anglers, and some genuinely go to those lakes for the challenge.


I don't think that Fishing in France was chosen by all because the fishing is Better or bigger, but to many anglers as a holiday experience. Each angler will have his own reasons as to what makes the lake they fish as the best. To some it may be the numbers of fish, and in others the chance of the size of the fish, or maybe it is simply the holiday and the food package and being made to feel welcome.


The numbers of anglers who go to other lakes in France is also high. I am willing to bet that many still go to St Cassien, Lac Du Der, Orient or Chantecoq, and these fisheries have very little advertising, (public fisheries(?). The anglers generally go for the challenge of these lakes.


For many years Richardf refused to allow advertising or blatant plugging of fisheries, links were removed (Mrs_Rusheslake even by anglers who fished), and basically there were no commercial posts of any form.


Those who advertise on this forum have been pretty much handpicked; many were asked, some lakes refused to advertise, some wanted to advertise, and some were refused by the site owner. Many hours of research were carried out by Richard and others, so that those who advertise were felt to be offering a genuine package that was able to appeal and fulfil their blurb.

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