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  1. Why not use there krill boilies if you use sticky baits
  2. Been looking at both of these baits abs hydra k and dna s7
  3. Brilliant thanks for the info
  4. Looking at there TnM
  5. Yes really good clip I enjoy listening to him
  6. I mite buy some john bakers base mix but also looking at patshull park mix by quality baits
  7. As above looking for reviews on best basemix to buy out of John baker and quality baits
  8. I was thinking the same just making small batches for each weekend
  9. Does John baker use that company for his flavours
  10. Looking to start rolling my own personal baits and looking at john baker but looks expensive for making own bait
  11. I fish anything from 25 wraps to 35 wraps so need a casting line as well
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