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    ... Is half the battle Brighton
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    Carp Fishing, Diving and River monsters

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  1. I use the Gardner ones and get on with them, ive also used the nash D-dam ones and didn't like them tail rubber didn't fit properly and found the lead was impossible to eject cast one out without a tail rubber had a fish and the lead was still on
  2. sorry cant help not my neck of the woods brighton_carper might know of a club around your area
  3. If you do join id suggest weekdays as all the lakes will probably get rammed on a weekend not so much now but in summer
  4. I get my PVA from 4thirds free 1st class post and its relatively cheap ive used korda bags and will never use them again left a nasty gloop over the rig and a chemical smell on my bait and rig
  5. Try the Gardner longshank incizor or Mugga both are good hooks and sharpen nicely
  6. Depends what rig im using but the rig im using at the moment has half about half a centimeter of separation, i believe this allows the rig mechanics to work properly
  7. adam77

    chod rig

    The trusty choddy
  8. Me plz i need a french PB
  9. I use naked chod where the chods on my mainline, i put a bead above the chod i use korda ready made rigs then a bottom bead and usually put small bit of putty to stop the bead and chod sliding down to my lead. i also put a peice of putty on the swivel for the chod and take small pieces off till it sinks really slowly so gently sits ontop of the weed if you know how deep the weed is you can move the bottom bead further up so the lead goes through the weed without dragging the rig with it hope this helps
  10. i think the braid is too thick tbh theres not much room to pass it back through the eye
  11. cheers for all the replys ordered some braid blades and going to give it a shot when they arrive
  12. any recommendations ?
  13. Yeah Could but surely it will fit through size 6
  14. Its not coated and I tried cutting it at an angle hasn't Worked and doped it in wax To harden it didn't work getting frustrated now lol
  15. Hey guys I'm tryin to tie some kd rigs up as we speak I get the braid through the eye first time then I can't get it through 2nd time the braid just splices into strands at the end the braids 25 lb Ashima groundhog and hooks size 6 fox arms point SSSb wide gape
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