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    on the bank in telford

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  1. if this counts then yes i have had success with the reverse snowman.i have been counter balancing my pop up with a piece of sinking corn on top with excellent results.
  2. if you do not like the way something is run go elsewhere.
  3. if you mean grange pool at strichley then it`s no fishing,park rangers come round now and then.lol
  4. hi mate,i`ve been fishing taa waters for years.let me know what waters you prefer,all types available.ian
  5. don`t leave your car on carpark!
  6. plenty of waters on taa ticket,middle,apley,blue,trench etc.
  7. flash3210

    Chod rig

    experiment with different sizes of rig tubing until one fits on line then push bead on to small piece of that tubing.also i think you can buy beads to fit flourocarbon .
  8. flash3210

    Chod rig

    the main thing with chods is that the top bead will slip off the leader/leadcore with very little resistence.this will allow just the "chod" link to be attached to the fish if you have a line breakage.hope that helps,ian.
  9. i have spoken to ken the balliff and he knows nothing about it!biggest he knows is 20lb caught by plesure angler on sweetcorn.
  10. had my 2nd session this month ,first time 1 tench 7lb then been out today and had another tench and first carp of year 16lb common.hopefully they have started to move?no deaths over winter period have been reported.
  11. i have fished blue pool for years,best fish is 28lb caught 3 years ago.use boilles because of bream and tench.afew cats present,not that big though. car park dodgy but has improved.rumours that larger carp have been removed.
  12. i have fished both randley and blue with no problems on carpark including nights,seems to have improved over last few years.
  13. twentys have been seen,not sure if any caught.not fished it much,just the odd winter session had carp to 17lbs.
  14. hard to spot fish due to colour of water,so just use your watercraft as there are many features.very shallow at one end.a bit of effort could give some great results!
  15. there are a number of waters around telford,depending on what you are after(runs waters,big fish,night fishing,peace and quiet)all taa waters offer day tickets on bank.
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