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Everything posted by pippa1972

  1. hi you can count me in id pay £200 to £350 for the right water and with the right size fish
  2. has any one fished moorgreen res in nottingham in the last year or so any info will be a help
  3. these are my two ways of fshing in silt 1, useing the chod rig but with a difrence i dont have a bead stop on my lead core leader as i feel this is not safe all i do is tye a bit of pva tape at the hight i wont as this melts the bead ( big bore) can come off the leader with no problems . 2, use a a lead that is only heavy anuf to get to the spot i need to cast to feather the cast so the lead dont splash down so the lead just setles down nicely and by useing a critacul ballanced bait on a long hook link( 12 inch pluss) the bait will just setle on the silt . if you dont know how deap the silt is you can tigh the pva stop further up the line so if the lead does sink in the silt the bait wont follow it .
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