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Benjamin Perry

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  1. Yep crimp or loop knot so it spins perfectly, and ensure the putty doesnt construct this movement..
  2. So it works as one with the hook, harder to eject, if you have a peeled back hair, yes it can act more loike a freebie but it has that flexibility in the fish's mouth to be spat out easier. Also, peeled back hairs can sometimes tangle around the hook and affect presentation. If i was using that rig, i would peel bak the hair but attach it to a small ring and have that sliding on the back of the hook (Blow-back rig), this way the bait when ejected doesnt affect the hook, it acts seperately, that make sense? Ben
  3. ghost soft or IQ2 if hooklink, not sure about the mainline side, but you could easily make a hooklink out of the fluoro mainline if you wanted.
  4. If you use N-Trap or any coated braid straight through a Choddy hook and tie, then peel back just the hair section that creates the rig i think you mean that Tom Dove was using loads, and ive used it to good success. Having the chod hook on the stiff allows the gap between the hook point and eye to be nice and wide, using a normal curve shank or say a wide gap does close it off slightly. Still this is a fine rig that will work, i use Ghost straight through to knotless knot sometimes if im fising a clear area/gravel.
  5. Thats correct, if you run the rig acroos your hand for that bottom bat rig, the weight of the boillie will ensure the hook point is heavy and turn, replicating the fishes mouth. Its all about how the hook point behaves when the fish trys to eject the bait, nice aggresive turn into the bottom lip. They are but will last, the JAG is regarded as the best, get the vice, magnifier and black sharperner and that will last and last
  6. Sorry, didnt see that, i would slidd it halfway down the hair though, for me i would want the corn to sit just off the bottom but with the ability of that hair to allow the hook to turn. If the bait is heavy then you want it for me to be off the end of the hook as possible, this makes the tip heav, allowing it to turn aggressively . If your using a pop-up, light hook bait they you want this coming off the back nearer the eye so it again makes the hook point heavy. If you have a bouyant bait coming off nearer the end then this conteracts the point, which can prevent a good hook turn or hold. Have you looked at sharpening the hook points, it looks mint in your shots so your prob already do it but it def adds an edge.
  7. or take remove that silcone from the shank, and add a small shot between the knotless knot and the corn, this will sit nicely on the floor.
  8. Quality work, cheap and affective, sometimes i see pulses such as chickpeas in the big Tesco stores in the Asian sections, they sell 5- 10KG sacks for cheaper than the online stores, so alwasy worth having a look out in these places.
  9. nice, grouts, chickpeas, maples, maize, corn? Def get some hemp in there!
  10. great cheers chaps
  11. Where are you buying these from guys? On ebay they look to be around the same sort of price as n-trap? I bought the stiff silt and was far too wirey, can you advise on their best hooklinks where the coating is stiff but still supple? Thats why i use N-Trap semi-stiff, yes its overpriced but the coating is perfect for so many rigs i find, i dont want a coating that is rigid. thanks,
  12. So if you really want a shock leader use one, just make sure you tie it to your line or leadcore correctly so the lead can pass over the knot in the case of a breakoff. cheers
  13. what under water conditions? Its pretty clear so maybe they mean use leaders to pin the line down, but if lead core is banned then use a safe zone leader or something similar to get everything sitting on the lake bed, 2-3ft above your rig. Do you think you will be casting 100 - 150 yrds? You may possibly want to use a leader in that respect, so say your using 12 line, then have a 20 ft leader 20-30lb which will ensure the line isnt getting hammered on the cast. that make sense? Ben
  14. N-Trap soft and Semi-stiff, very good products, i can create so many different rigs using these for any angling situation. Ben
  15. sounds the like Stiff D rig, bery good rig espcecially on hard bottoms, Danny F is a massive user of the rig and it does nail them very time...the hook lies flat on the bottom and the bait sits over on the D part whcih allows it to travel when the carp picks it up...very good rig
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