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    fishing mainly but enjoy the outside life in general.

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  1. you wont need a licence as its a commercial water and all permits/licences will be included in the price. the only time you will need a carte du peche is if you are fishing public waters. if your still unsure, phone them and they will tell you. hope that helps.
  2. http://www.thefriendlyfisherman.co.uk/section17668/product25367/PB-PRODUCTS-HIT--RUN-X-SAFE-LEAD-CLIP-x.html not the vid but all info on the lead clip system. hope it helps
  3. i've always been a big fan of running leads as they are, imo, the most sensitive, indication wise and in the event of a breakage the lead is free to discharge. the only problem i have is when using them around snaggy areas or thick weed, when it would be an advantage to dump the lead. until recently the only effective way of doing this was by incorporating a rotten bottom, which can be a bit hit and miss and fiddly to tie, especially if your using pva tape/string in the damp. never been a fan of lead clips as i think the fish use the weight of the lead to discharge the hook. the only real positive with a lead clip is the ease with which the lead can be dumped. then i found something that is really cleaver.. using a modified lead clip that works like a running lead and in the event of a breakage, the only thing left behind is the hooklink. take a look at this link... be ready to be impressed. once you use one you will never use a normal lead clip again. sorry, tried to find the vid of the lead clip system, this is of the inline system.
  4. wrong one...sorry. dont know anything about this lake...
  5. which coombe?
  6. micro barbed are barbed.. not barbless
  7. bonne chance!
  8. thank you. if you give me your address maybe i can visit you next time i'm in the area!? like to come over before spawning time so maybe it will be early to mid may!
  9. i know its not an exact science but what month does spawning take part in this area of france (central)..... i know there are many variables, just a rough idea!
  10. i'm interested....
  11. sounds like you had a good time
  12. i wish. my boys are 13 and 14 aand we have a deal, they let me fish for a week or so and they get to go to portaventura in spain. good deal me thinks
  13. 3 weeks in france with my two sons........ye haa!!
  14. got friends who i am going to visit that live in a village called chalarbre, which is very near lac mont bell. how close is that to you? love this part of france, the pyrenees are beautiful! maybe we could meet up for a couple of days fishing!
  15. so where abouts are you in france? any good fishing in your neck of the woods?
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