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Everything posted by fishboy2008

  1. I've fished it a few times now. Had lots of tench and bream but seem to find the carp to come in the margins when it gets nice and hot. Was fishing on the rubble near the boat end and had a road into the corner closest to where the cars parked. Had baited it an hour previous to go back and find a few nice carp mulling over the area. That night had a screaming take and lost the fish at the net.
  2. Which lake are you fishing if its badgers holt pm me.
  3. just had a walk around saw a few fish topping in the deeper water mostly towards the no fishing area. Took my marker float set up and it was reasonably snaggy behind the island and hard to cast from most swims!
  4. less than that i would imagine well fish worth catching! Ive heard the best fishing can be from the middle of the lake where the depths are at there deepest. Be wary of crays.
  5. o in that case its a 35acre lake, stock of carp is not great. Fish are also very hard to find but some nice bream and tench are present.
  6. Its ware ac only.
  7. Perfect lake in summer but the winter hits it hard with 1 or 2 carp a week normally reported.
  8. Simpson of Turnford is obvoiusly a tackle shop (ive been there myself). They own the lake and it used to be day ticket, think it still is. You have to go there to buy tickets for the lake though. Ryan http://www.multimap.com/maps/?zoom=16&countryCode=GB&qs=EN106AQ#map=51.7242,-0.02481|16|4&bd=useful_information&loc=GB:51.723:-0.02481:16|EN106AQ|EN10%206AQ
  9. Brillaint lake, went there couple of years back, there is a stunning island in the middle shaped like a heart, best method we found was fishing the open swim outside the house, fishing onto the left bank. Or fishing from hte left bank into the little pool, needs patience.
  10. I was ment to be travelling to france for a week the day after the fire, ended up taking the ferry
  11. My grandad used to live in enfield and back 50 years ago he tells me there were some huge carp in there, gets very weedy and in parts extremly deep, also there is a body supposed in that lake some young child fell in around 50 years ago no one was ever recovered though.
  12. My advice would be try to use a smaller baiting up needle, maybe your making to big a hole in the boilie. If that dont work use a bit of putty maybe just to secure it in. However before casting find a shallow margin a check the snowman is working correctly and the pop up isent to strong. In my opinon use a 20mm bottom bait and a 15mm pop up, that seems to work perfectly, all depends on how boyount the pop up saying that. Good luck and Tight Lines. Ryan
  13. Go to lac serriere brillaint place, can book out smaller lake for exclusive use £600 a week accomadatio nnd food avaliable. I went there with my dad we arent the best of fisherman, dad caught a 54lb mirror ( lake record) i caught the exact same fish 2 days later. Brilliant lake with lots of features. In limouges 7 hour drive from calais ( be sure to be past paris by 8:30 at the latest) Otherwise its like the M25 on a friday evening GRIDLOCKED!
  14. berkly big game brown, its brillaint stuff ive had numerous carp out on this including a 54lb mirror from lac serriere in limoge, france.
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