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Everything posted by dave_2133

  1. I use it for when there is debris on the bottom or as tonybranno said if there is a layer of silt.
  2. I have about 10 made up but i always find that i make a fresh 1 up everytime i fish. I think it just me thinking that an old rig will snap on me, so i make a fresh 1 just to be sure.
  3. Has anyone got the directions for Home farm, i'm travelling form Stoke
  4. You dont want to be watsing your there matey, Dont beleive everything you read on the flashy website. The biggest i've had out is 13lb. your get them many 2lb - 7lb carp in a session you get annoyed at recasting. This is place is great if your a match man but awful if you want a good'un Edwards is now a match lake and all the stock out of that are now in Avoca.
  5. Just come back and its a stunning lake, but the weather was really bad. It rained from the moment i got there til the moment i left. The fishing was hard because the fish hadn't spawned properly and the weather was knocking them of balance for getting rid of the spawn. But i had a pike instead which was welcome and saved me from blanking. I'd recommend Clear Waters to anybody but try n book when you know the weather is goin to be nice.
  6. Well its quite nice when you look at it from your eg but all the crap and mud banks behind you aint very nice. I reckon he should just have it as a carp only lake, he'll ge plenty of us there week in week out, And like you said just have a certain(say 8 ) anglers at any one time fishing it. The guy and his wife were down walking the lake i'd say once every 2 hours over the weekend looking for trouble makers and people that have just arrived. His wife turfed 3 lads away while i was there for been too rude and abusive to her. I heard but dont know how true it is or whether it is another fishermens tail, but the farmer has supposed to of netted the lke and sold some of the lake records. But dont qoute me on that its what i've heard on the bank.
  7. Cant wait now, I'm going next thursday. Got most of my gear ready and sorted. Just need to get a few lttle bits n bobs then i'm already.
  8. I came back yesterday, The lake is beautiful but i'm sorry to say that i only had one carp that was 5lb, me dad had a 3lber and all the other guys around the lake had the odd one. There was three guys a coyuple of pegs down from me and didn't have anything all weekend. The biggest carp that came out was 12lb and that was on sinking bread up the corner right by where you first walk onto the lake. But is was that hot the fish were just basking, i could see all of them but they just weren't feeding, i think only 3-4 fish came to surface baits. There was a match on the canal behind us and they were having a worse fishing day than us on the lake, some of the guys didn't even have 1 fish. But saying all that i'm glad to say that i'm going back once it starts to cool down a bit.
  9. I'm going saturday and hopeful til suday night. I phoned the lady up and she said that the fish have stopped spawning now, so it might be alright this weekend.
  10. Do you fish this rig as pop-ups or bottom baits.
  11. Cheers alanthehunter, i'm sure i'll find it easy enough. I'll have to go see it next weekend as this weekedn i'm off to Merrington with me old man for three days. £600 is alot of for the lake. How big do the fish get up to in the private lake?
  12. cheers matey. I'll try and get up and have a look tomorrow, but if not then it'll be next weekend. If that guy had 9 20's then i MUST get up there and have a dabble. I dont suppose you have a post code for it as i could stick it in my sat nav?
  13. Never heard of this place, where about is it?....is it day ticket? Its abit to stirct for me too as you just want to fish and not get distruded with reeling in the rods when they have just settled.
  14. Is it true that you have to have a walk around the lake with the manager before fishing, just a rumour i've heard but dont know how true it is.
  15. I saw that Dean macey program, not sure on how it fishes but just try a different method on each rod then you can cover all the angles. If one method starts to produce and the other isn't doing nothing, then switch the other rod over to the method that is working. This is the lake i'm looking to trying this year sometime. Let me know how you go on.
  16. Yeah i've ordered some of the house bait so it'll be ready for when i get there.
  17. Good advice, i was thinking of just taking two types of boilies get house pellet. Also try the natrual baits like maggots, worms, corn, meat, or even some mussels/prawns, Just to try and get the edge over the other anglers because alot of them that go just use truck loads of different flavor boilies instead of sticking to one or two flavors. I was also thinking of trying groundbait with hemp and corn on the method feeder, because I haven't heard of one person using it on there yet.
  18. What approach would say is the best fro these types of venues? I'm hiring one of the bait bots as well so i should the spot on every time. This is the website - Clearwater Lakes
  19. yeah its the one taht was on Sky. Really looking forward to going, just wondered if any of you guys had been. My brother inlaws dad went last year and had 16 fish with one topping 42lb 4oz, we're going with him this year. Davew, dont know if its under new ownership or not.
  20. I'm a Fishing France virgin and I'm booked up and ready to go ( but not going til June) just wondered if anyone has fished it before and known of anyone going to this place.
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