i just watched a video with rob maylin in and he showed this rig wich i thought looked good. in theory when the boilie and hook is sucked in the pop-up is wafting around but bescause the hook is heavy that stays at the bottom of the mouth and when it is blown out the hook catches hold in the bottom lip. what you guys think and does any one know what its called.
and my seriously bad drawning of the rig lol
forgot to label it
How can u run out of fake mixers?
As you dont lose them when you get a fish!!!
i always find a way to lose things m8 im rubbish at keepin my tackle tidy. and they do sometimes coem off when playing fish
this weekend im fishing a lakes thats NEVER been carp fished its a farmers lake its around 4-5 acres and the farmers a freind of the familly hes told me that he feeds the carp with pellets and sweetcorn etc. i have never fished with sweetcorn as a hookbait can any one tell me the best rig and tell me how to tie it plzzzzzzzzzz
thats it really mate cant explain it any better but to make one you can use a lead clip, inline lead or method feeder and you need quite a heavy lead or there wont be enough weight for the fish to hook its self properly.
i would just use a simple hair rig with shrink tubeing mate. my favourite rig is a simple hair rig made from 20lb flourocarbon hooklength with a size 8 korda widegape hook. but the hair is made from 15lb silkworm because its really flexible and i think will make the bait act more realisticly in the water