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About LACarper

  • Birthday 31/07/1981

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  1. Forgive me I have forgotten lol. Was hoping someone who had a hide would know. I'm fishing at the moment, I'm here till Sunday morning, so will post again when I take the bivvy down. Its too high up to read at the moment
  2. I've just recently bought the nash titan hide xl pro in green may I add. It has a warning message on the block at the top of the bivvy. I'm probably just being dumb, but I don't know what it means. Anyone shed some light on it?
  3. That's a different idea I could try that. I have a korda braid that is uncoated that might do the trick
  4. Tbh I haven't been on the lake lately. Been fishing other lakes. But I will do at some point
  5. I don't think the lead is plugging. But I will be more aware of it next time thanks
  6. Not sure to be honest. If it is what can I do?
  7. No not seen the advice but will take a look thanks ☺
  8. It was overweighted I ended up making it critically balanced
  9. His everyone, not been on here in a while. I've started fishing a lake of around 8 acres in size. It holds around 60 carp. I found the fish and was confident of a bite, I believe I had a fish pick me up several times over my session because of a series of beeps. I don't think they were liners. I was fishing to a gap on an island and using a hinge rig with semi stiff braid boom. I believe my boom section was long enough to accommodate for the silty bottom. Would it help if I was to change the boom section to a stiffer material that can still accommodate the silt, like esp ghost?
  10. Can't find the unfair rig on youtube
  11. I was thinking of using inline lead where the fish picks up heaviest part first then if it shakes its head the swivel drops out ect. Is Tha worth a try before changing rig?
  12. I've been using a hinge rig with semi stiff boom, and I was doing well on it but lately I think they have been getting away with it as my rod goes off then stops. Can anyone shed some light on this?
  13. Is it so it blends in? sorry just thought about that
  14. What adjustments would you make to the first 3 to make them effective as pop up rigs? and why would you swap to a fluro combi when fishing on gravel?
  15. the trakker i bought about 6 years ago and it was already very worn back then. but the jrc i bought brand new and it says 5 season but still isnt warm enough in cold temps. i just dont understand it!!!! im really worried to buy another in case its not good enough and then i would have wasted money.
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