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Allo there

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  1. I you are right sorry! BF (bite and fight- bait runners) BJs are just BJs! One of the first sealed. Unit bite alarms late 70s - Pike mad-i got a pair for my Birthday in the 1980. It meant you didnt have to spend all night with a torch focussed on a circular bit of plastic as an indicator held in place by your mums knitting needle -or if you were posh, an isotope taped to it.
  2. Thank you - I will check that out. thanks for the help
  3. I still use my Bruce and Walker carp rods every time. They are 50 years old and still going strong. I sometimes use my Mitchells but since BFs were invented I rarely do. However, I draw the line about getting my whinning BJ alarms (and extensions) out-that is a step too far.
  4. Wow worth all that water! GJ!
  5. I am new to this Forum (as of last night) really friendly community thank you! Has anyone actually ever purchased anything from the Carp.Com shop website. Never used them before and I am a bit apprehensive! There are no feedback or trust adviser reviews or details- and the contact us process doesn't say where they are based. Any feedback (good or bad) would be appreciated. Ta very much.
  6. Geeze - thank you. It’s pouring in biblical proprtions in the south west. Have fun putting your stuff away!
  7. Are you guys really fishing?? full cred!
  8. Yes I thought of that-its tons cheaper and about the same dimensions (300x275x150)-the doors a bit lame though. I am going to think about that. 200 for a voyager wrap seems a bit OTT for the times you need it!
  9. we could start a new app -match making for bivvies....
  10. Yes I am convinced- Im going for it-otherwise as soon as it rains and gets cold -that will be it for my season! Thank you for being really helpful-I am a noobee to this web site! For the people that buy them I hope they didn't just jazz it up -my R series is an abs ridiculous design. The Bivvy is great-tall and super well made but the design just sucks. There are 3 pram struts all different join lengths joined to one focal point so you cannot cleanly fold like most normal bivvies, you also cant take the poles out of the joins they are stuck tight. It takes 5 mins to put up and at least 15 to put away. Not fun when you are tired. Thanks again for the advice- not definitive but given me the confidence to spend a load of money! And Elmoputney-no doesn't look like that at all-is that your bolt hole-nicely put up though! PS has anyone used the store at Carp.com. I had never heard of them until I started looking for a wrap.
  11. I tried contacting Fox twice to ask-absolutely no response from them. I thought this was a fishing Facebook site (I guess I can try somewhere else)! I am sure they are similar but its going to be quite an expensive experiment.... It ideally needs someone to have done the experiment or know what their Voyager looks like inside. Trouble is there are not that many Voyagers around (they are now quite expensive) and it looks really weird if I rock up ask how they are getting on and then ask if they wouldn't mind if I have a quick look in their bivvy to look at their hanging toggles!
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