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Everything posted by Marty2v77

  1. Almond supreme turns everything pink
  2. I had over 70 fish on Christmas cracker which is my favourite bait by the way ,Johnson Ross deal with oli alot , but yeah things changed abit with partners after pete died and oli been chasing his 100+ I know at the mo his PB is now over 90+ ,its great bait for me especially after using at rainbow for 5 years Christmas cracker and ocean fruit ,if ever want let me know I can find out what the situation is
  3. Hi mate u said u was sure the wr was at graviers, yes ur right the scarred mirror it was but the next day it was broken again back at rainbow about 6 ounces bigger on the same elite baits ocean fruit and pls if u check then ur know yes u did read what I said correctlyΒ 

  4. Ouch back at I suppose that's for people who are wrong so not relevant to me hey so ouch lol πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

  5. Ouch lol whoever said ouch back at u because there only one person who's right here and it ain't anyone else apart from me so ouch back at ya πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£I lost it more than once which u could say ouch but and had it in my net twice before died
  6. Thx so much ur spot on and it was the next day on same bait and in my landing net the first time or two occasions
  7. I'f u check and want to try prove something look it up, luke moffits went to press a week before as the day they broke it was last day for that week, 24 hours later wen broke again at rainbow it was too late so had to wait until next issue of carp talk ect and yes elite baits ocean fruit I know I remember the phone call well
  8. Lol 3 people laughing because they know nothing, I'm not going to repeat again they can look up themselves, on Tuesday it was broke at 83lb luke moffits graviers 24 hours later on the Wednesday it was new record at rainbow few ounces bigger on 83lb both on same bait elite ocean fruit, try looking it up and u will clearly see a mistake oli wasn't happy with when they named the bait ocean fresh not fruit, world record was broke twice in 48 hours, Tuesday luke moffits graviers then Wednesday at rainbow, both 83lb obviously rainbow few ounces bigger and both on elite baits ocean fruit, now the three who laughed Im laughing back at u
  9. No I didn't catch it, Steve I was sharing swim with had it on that occasion and it was 83lb at graviers on the Tuesday and bit bigger at rainbow the next day 83lb both caught on elite baits oceans fruit as remember the call on the Tuesday from luke moffits graviers then the phone call from Rob Hughes the next day saying to late for the next print lol oh and they actually called it ocean fresh in the article and oli wasn't happy as ocean fresh was another company
  10. I shouldnt have to prove myself as it's my opinion on imitation baits but I don't mind sharing a couple
  11. I was sharing the swim with Steve o neil and I landed it 83lb the first time in my net and it was the new wr again at rainbow after it was beaten the day before the scarred mirror on same bait at Luke moffits graviers elite baits ocean fruits , as I remember the phone call ,it was broke twice in 48 hours on the same bait in 2 different lakes and the following year I had it on imitation corn
  12. Yes at Luke moffits graviers on elite baits ocean fruit who I fished for at the time
  13. Mate how wrong is everyone who can say a bad thing about imitation baits, I've caught fish at every pound weight from 1lb to 52.02 then a 60 then the old world record fish 83lb from rainbow in 2005 on imitation corn flavourd with my personal flavour, to hear negative comments or to say they don't take on flavours is absolutely rubbish
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