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LJC carper

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Everything posted by LJC carper

  1. If you go farlows don't avoid or ignore any area of the lake . The big fish get all over the lake. I seen somebody advise you get in main body of the lake and avoid certain areas. That's bad bad advice look every nook and cranny there well catchable on there. You just got to get on them. Its also easy to blank if you get you location wrong.
  2. I don't even look at breaking strain on the box it' all about diameter would only drop down to 0.30 if there are no snags, weed ect and I had to cast long even then I'd be wary.
  3. Fair enough mate. Like you say for amount of time you actually use it, its neither here nor there.
  4. I looked at mates he had 12 mtr cygnet. Seemed heavy. Compared to my 14 mtr it weighed a ton. Are they composite carbon?
  5. There a little cumbersome but a great tool. I use 14 metre maver medusa. Got it second hand 50 quid. Dont go fishing with out it. Gardener bait spoon and net float its perfect. I no there a few companies doing bait poles and they do the job but a second hand half decent 12 metre plus match pole much lighter and is the best way to go imo. Longer the better.
  6. Do yourself and the pike a favour go with somebody experienced to begin with Not been funny but inexperienced anglers are the cause of so many dead pike each and every year.
  7. Wouldn't have Brolley with out zip in infill pannel personally. Had Avid ascent best Brolley going imo. Now have wychwood HD very good better in some ways but overall avid ascent better but mice chewed hole threw it.
  8. Ah I see. I may go and have a look at it my self. You be surprise how easily the fish can move between lakes if the one lakes syndicate and the other lakes neglected the bigger fish could welll have been moved into the syndicate lake. Only one way to find out though. Best time to fish really weedy lakes is in the spring march to june. Its proberly not that weedy every year. You have good years and bad years depending which weed it is.
  9. If the syndicate side is weed free and is getting fished while the other side is weedy and people are intimidated to fish it due to the weed I bet I know where the fish are and I know which side I'd be fishing.
  10. Why is it un fishable?
  11. LJC carper

    New Rigs

    If you got a sharp hook on there always a chance. I use blow back rig for most my pop up rigs with silicone tubeing rather than a ring also use a shot to counter balance it. Short hair jobs a good un. Just because a pop up is used doesn't nesseraly need attaching to hinge rig or anything fancy you mates rig sounds simple no nonsense rig to me.
  12. Yea to be fair merrington doesn't fall into that category. I think what your looking for will require leg work people arnt going to come on a forum and tell you what club waters to fish. There are quite alot of 20ties about in alot of Shropshire waters its just up to you to find them.
  13. Wouldn't say merrington is a rip off people have a choice if you don't like it dont fish it. There is alot of horrible looking carp in there but it's each to there own.
  14. I wouldn't ever merrington each to there own and all that. Damion may go there and enjoy it thats great if he does.
  15. Holds alot of bad ones aswel seen pics of some real ugly Simmos with great big sores on them definitely better lakes than merrinton in Shropshire. Guess it's a start but I'd look elseware.
  16. LJC carper

    New Rigs

    When using bottom bait you may be better off with more separation between the bait and the hook. personally I'd use normal hair rig . Good luck though mate hope you bag few on it.
  17. LJC carper

    New Rigs

    But why have you done it? What are you fishing with pop ups or bottom baits?
  18. LJC carper

    New Rigs

    Why make things more complicated than they need to be? What are them rigs achieving that a standard hair rig wouldnt? Not saying they wont work but i just think keeping things simple works best.
  19. Lol. That's brilliant.😂
  20. Also don't forget Linch hill is also 5 mins around the corner.
  21. Also make sure you follow nicks guide if your delks get a soaking it will only take a few hours for them to maybe work again that's if you have an airing cupboard on the bank with you.
  22. Makes no sense doesn't have vibrating system your right. One less thing you don't need to go wrong. They never let me down in any situation so I can say with confidence there reliable.
  23. I've never known any mid to high end alarms pack up and have problem like Delkims. Delkims are the poorest top end alarms imo. The fox NTXr used military grade lynx components. Rarely hear people haveing problems with fox alarms even the cheap ones. imo opinion fox best alarms on market. Wish i could afford the NTXrs but personally have atts and there more reliable than Delks at half the price. Id have thought fox have brought new ones out because we live in a world that driven by marketing.
  24. Use lots of different company's for different things. Hooks I've been using Angling Iron for last couple of years occasionally use korda kranks.
  25. Cheap alarms are ok for people who fish once in a while dureing the summer but if used regularly they won't last long. 6 months and a couple of down pours there finished. Them fox alarms are bomb proof. Get the Att dongles and receiver. Bit more money but at least they are reliable.
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