I took some persuading with the heat, Big Dave convinced me, so I was back on the chub hunt yesterday evening, my basic favourite method of a freelined dog biscuit.
We walked along the river with the dog, one rod between us, taking turns at the fish.
In the first swim he had one chub from a brick wall above the river which I had to climb down to net, I reckon around 2lb, just a quick photo in the net.
We walked the whole stretch, looking for fish, casting in a few swims and then back to the car. I spotted a few fish, but had to do a bit of jungle stalking, climbing through brambles and nettles, opposite 'nice lady's' house, and as I did Dave realised we had left a baiting needle downstream on a bend and went to get it with Sky, so I rerigged with a Uni-knot holding a big Bakers Meaty chunk on the size 8 hook on 5lb Reflo hooklink tied to 6lb mainline. A cast to work out the current, then another to get the biscuit in the right flow, result was a good chub.
As he came back I heard him talking to Sky, telling her I would probably be waiting with a fish in the net, which "knowing Nick is the biggest around". I needed his help to take the rod while I lifted net and fish over the bankside snags. When we weighed the fish it was a healthy 5lb.
I've not seen a chub that big from the Gipping for a few years!