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Not so good, then? Damn shame, it looks rather good on the Fisheries.co.uk site.


I'll admit to having a fascination for old estate lakes, this was a Monastery water, apparently.


I'll have a go one day, if only to sightsee. How many of the banks can be used to fish from?




it looks great on there website, but 1st part of the lake is 1-2feet deep and 1 bank has got at least 8ft of weed in front of you.


also got black staines all over the place wher people light fires and bbqs on the floor,


and to top it the baliff has no interest in carp fishing or fisherey managment, just cash in his pocket :x

you ever fished hopsford hall,its having a revamp at the minute lovely quiet little place and i no thers at least two 30s in it :wink::wink:


No I haven't but I'm always open to suggestions. I like quiet places. Tell me more, please.




its in wolvey, bout 4akers,i island with bays in, a few over hanging trees and rushes in shallow part of the lake go to fisheries.co.uk the website looks naff but if you do go lovely little place,can night fish when you get to no nicola the baliff :wink:

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