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Can i just advise anyone who has seen all five Films, but not read a book, to do so.


Doing this has got me into reading, and since reading The Half Blood Prince, i have read ( in order )


The Deathly Hallows

The Philoshophers Stone

Chamber Of Secrets

Prizoner Of Azkaban

Goblet Of Fire

Half Blood Prince ( again )

The Deathly Hallows ( again )


The Spiderwick Chronicles ( all 5 books )


The Chronicles Of Narnia ( all 7 books )


Beyond The Spiderwick Chronicles ( only 2 books from 3 have so far been released )


I have now started to read Redmire Pool again, after reading it when i bought it, back when it was released.


I have to have something to do at Lunch time at work :lol:


I quite like the harry potter books, I didn't think i would like them, but i started with Half Blood Prince and got hooked. I must have read each book in the series at least 6 times.


I'm looking forward to the new film, not long to wait now :D 17th July 2009


Only thing that worries me is that they are bound to butcher it, just like the last films. Goblet of Fire was a bit of a let down, missed out too many scenes.


Book 7 is going to be released as 2 films, so cant wait for those either.


Release dates for anyone who is interested:


Part 1 - 19th November 2010

Part 2 - 15th July 2011

Can you please say the one who can not be named or you know who...


Tom Riddle, thats what Brian calls him :twisted:


I loved Goblet and The Order, they have to cut them down, or they would be 5hrs long, not that I would mind :wink:

Can you please say the one who can not be named or you know who...


Why are you worrying about

You Know Who? You should be

worrying about You No Poo!!

The Constipation Sensation

Thats gripping the nation!!!!

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