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Need to relocate for work in January and will be going to either South Leicester or Northampton.


Need to decide which, so after some help to find out what is best for my fishing as although they are not too far away from each other i would like to minimize travel time.


Like to fish for 20's with chance of 30 or even 40. Prefer Clubs or Syndicates rather than day ticket.


Also like to get on the river for some chub or the chance of a barbel.


Any advice welcome, including where in the towns are good for a night out!






That's a pretty easy question to answer mate :D Northampton all the way. Loads more waters to go at and a shed load more big carp as well :wink:


I live near Leicester and i travel to Northampton for my fishing now. There are loads of waters in Leicestershire but they're predominantly match waters / commercials that don't really offer much to the specimen angler.


There are loads of waters to go at near Northampton. The Nene valley is lined with gravel pits that contain plenty of big carp 8)


Good luck.


Wellingborough and District Angling Club ticket - about £25 per year with rivers and lakes on it - would be a good introduction to the area. :wink:


I'm also from Leicester and travel to get away from it!


You've previously asked the same question in another thread. I moved the post into New to Carp.com:



I gave you a link to some Leicester waters on that and recommended the search facility as I know that the same question has been covered in the past.

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