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sibson fishery wansford


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I have fished the water a couple of times and to be fair i have found fish all over. i did though take a particular fancy to the top corner there are some nice swims on both sides of this, one it really well tucked away and the fish hold in the margins so 2 rods slack lines and hey presto. some cracking fully scaled mirrors in there.


I have seen the fish come on beds of particles and pellet. last time i fished there i used a bed of boilies, time before i used big pva bags of pellet just underarmed down the margin. Its not a dificult water so you should find success if you get on the fish.

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  • 11 months later...

Thanks for the reply mate.


Yeah i think i'm going to have a day down there on saturday. I had a wander and spoke to a couple of guys last weekend and it seems quite a pleasant place.


I fish a similer style of water on a small syndiacate but our season ends and the end of the month due to the pheasant/partridge shooting.


But this place seems like it might give me a few hours relaxing fishingand fill the void.


Cant go for too long without anywhere to fish!!

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i was there last night,thats where the 14lber came from, the two points are receding back loads from wind/water erosion :shock: and the north island doesnt look far off just being a plateau soon but the trees and bushes have grown on loads making it a pretty place to go now

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