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Varible Zig Rigs!


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Zig rigs are something i have tried a little, but to no success. I've used the standard rig with a 12' hooklength, but its always a pain trying to find the correct length and you know a Ducks always going to get it on the surface before the carp do. And i hate ducks, they dont photo well.


So i've been attemping a variable Zig rig, with a running ledger, and i can adjust the depth with the reel. But i cant get it bloody working, the swivel holds the popup down or the line wont run through the lead swivel. I've tried not using a swivel, and having a plastic ledger stop but it still wont work.


Any ideas? :cry:

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I use this method to get round this problem. 1st is tie a set up similar to a marker float, but use a clear in-line bubble float in place of the marker float. Then attach a 4' zig rig. Variable depth & pops up a treat :)




Sorry Courtz, you posted while i was still typing :lol:

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do you feather the cast ?? dont if you do




have you tried using a inline lead ??? to reduce the chance of a tangle



and i found it good to tie a pva bag on with floaters in to help it rise




i have the same trouble with marker float because of the silk weed on the bottom trapping the line in the swivel .



so adding a boom to the lead can keep it above it could help

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