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right a few weeks ago http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/141352103754?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT

 I see these up on the bay and thought they look good , could be an item I could use , never tried zigs before but my understanding is that these should float ? how wrong I was ...

as the title says don't bother unless your into reverse zigging ( gizzing ?) 



17 hours ago, cloud9 said:

I'll probably do something with them Deano , might just strip all the bug stuff off and use the hooks with some zig foam 



well, heres a novel thought!! why dont you get yourself a fly rod and use them as they were intended?

dont mean to sound condescending C9 but just saying, when the carp are on top i have some of the best action ever on the fly rod (and it dont take long to learn) you only need to flick the fly out 30ft or so for some of the most exciting fishing you will ever do.

1 hour ago, cyborx said:

well, heres a novel thought!! why dont you get yourself a fly rod and use them as they were intended?

dont mean to sound condescending C9 but just saying, when the carp are on top i have some of the best action ever on the fly rod (and it dont take long to learn) you only need to flick the fly out 30ft or so for some of the most exciting fishing you will ever do.

now that's not a bad idea , I'm sure that I have my old man's fly rod knocking around somewhere.

 I had one of those nights last night where I couldn't sleep and one of the strange thoughts that popped into my head was fishing these from a controller float  , letting it sink down a foot or two .



10 minutes ago, Gazlaaar said:

Give Gink a go


I used to use this a lot with dry flies.

Thanks gazzlaaar , I had to google it but that could be the answer 



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