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Lb1 Peterborough

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LB1 isn't as bad as some stories make out, the only trouble I know of has been between anglers,some locals Poles like to turn up and picnic in your swim, loads of rubbish all over,including the islands. One of the 50s is dead, and the other, as far as I'm aware is a guesstimate as its only been seen and not banked.still got plenty to go for judging by my last trip out in boat a few years back.


You on the DSJ on the Nene???

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Guys thanks for the info. I wasn't expecting that much, it's very appreciated.I do have a dsj ticket beanz .seen a few fish around the Refuge outlet but to be honest I'm struggling to find time to get down at the minute.With regards keeping things quiet, I'm a bit miserable. I like to help those who help me but really don't blow my own trumpet.

Lb 1 is a good looking water, and I can confirm at least 1 very substantial fish that I saw last year. And quite a few smaller commons. And God yeah the rubbish is dreadful it's like fishing in the tip.

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Beanzy old buddy, whats the DSj mate, never heard of it.


DJS is Deeping St James angling club Steve. Got a good stretch of the Nene up that way.


Thanks for that greekskii, I've seen that thread before. We're you on the nene at all, only ask as im fishing it around stibbington this year.


I've not fished at all up Peterborough way. And only done one session on the Nene this year. 1 bream and a PB chub. Got a baby due TODAY so limited fishing. I plan to visit Peterborough at some point this summer to fish for the carp. I know an area where there is ALWAYS more than a few fish. Hard not to notice them on a blazing hot day. Some stonking bream there too. 

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