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Whitevane Pond - Brothers Bday Weekend


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Hi Lads,

I'm taking my 13 year old brother for his first night fishing experience this weekend. It's definitely a one off as I've heard a lot of bad things about this place although the lake itself and the owner seem decent enough.

Has anyone else fished it and can recommend a general area on the lake that will produce some fish without being cut off by all the other lot that'll be on there? (I've heard its a real 'bivvy city' sort of place!)

I'm not looking to be spoon fed but I want my little bro's first taste of it to be a good'un!

I'm taking him up there tonight to have a look about the place and get him excited for the weekend but any info at all would be greatly appreciated!

Many Thanks and Kind Regards,


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Well.. I went down to have a little look last night, my brother was so excited to see the lake and we got turned away at the gate! Apparently what I wrote on here wasn't acceptable!? I've got to say everything I've heard has been awful (damaged mouths, disease, overfished and swims reserved for 'pals' only) but I thought I'd give the place a chance as rumours can sometimes just be rumours... But they obviously aren't if the guy gets that defensive!


The owner was very rude to me through the speaker and when I asked him what was it that I wrote that was that bad he hung up and wouldn't pick up again. At no point did I lose my temper (and believe me I seriously wanted to) or stoop down to his level and be rude and he really spoke to me like I was a piece of **** on his shoe.


My brothers quite upset about the whole thing because he really had his heart set on the place but we soldiered on and looked at a few other places anyway.


Any other ideas? I was thinking farlows perhaps?  :wink:





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Did you end up fishing anywhere else then mate?


To be honest I don't think you missed out on not getting on Whitevane, I walked around it a few weeks ago and it seemed like it wasn't looked after at all, unhooking mats strewn everywhere etc.


I also heard from another lake owner that they had KHV again but this is not confirmed as I know the guy has a bit of an issue with Whitevane anyway.

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