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  1. Aware this is an old thread however feel my history with the place will be of use to some... I learnt to fish on the canal when my grandad Trev was a bailiff, in that time I have fished every lake at the water park... Jacobs Creek: personally I've not done very well on the lake, it is extremely weedy and the fish appear to switch off for periods of time. The huts are nice but the train track is literally 30-50 metres from you which can be loud at night. Main lake: I've fished this so so many times, had dozens of nice pike (max 19lb), nice tench and even big bream however my time is focused on the carp... I've had 2 30's out of the big lake my biggest being 34lb 4Oz however I am focusing on carrot as my all out target! I tend to fish peg 6, 9, 14, 22, 28a, the car park swims BUT my favourite swim is 31... Fished to the right 80yards is an area which just works every time! Trad: my personal favourite for an enjoyable 24HR session, out of the way and some pretty fish.. I fish bobs where the carp tend to shoal up or the opposite end of the point swim 5 yards off the island is a natural water spring which can produce! M1: Mid summer all thats needed is one rod and some floaters however I fish one rod close in the margin and one 15 yards out when doing nights, confined to a choice of 3 or so swims in the trees.. Good fun for an overnight however I have had to bring my rods in twice as it was constant and had work the next day. M2; not much to say produced some nice fish and good fun but not a go too lake. M3(donut): nice for crucian and relaxed angling but like M2 makes more sense to fish M1 or trad Canal: haven't fished this since my grandad bailiffed the Waterpark... The. There was some good fishing from one rod in the float with maggots All in all I only fish the speci, trad and m1 now all just using Nutcracker 12mm boilees with stick mix and 4mm pellets in a mesh bag normally.. Hope it helps and will say the park is very rewarding given a chance but also please be courteous to others... Im not antisocial however when on the bank that's the rare time I get to myself and I like the waters edge calm and quiet so don't feel the need to charge in etc.
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