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Everything posted by stickmix

  1. Yeah, the video was just to show how simple the naked chod can be, the choddy part of the video starts at about 1 minute 10 seconds in. I believe the chod rig is more of a general all round rig than the one illustrated. That rig is perfect on a clear bottom, but can you be confident that it is fishing on a dirty or weedy bottom? The point of the choddy is that it can be be cast virtually anywhere, over any bottom and still be fishing.
  2. I'll second that. However for weedy / choddy venues, or casting at showing fish, "ready made" Chod Rigs fished naked style https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZbO_MuIVKE.
  3. Me too, thank you.
  4. Thanks newmarket, I obviously wasn't aware of that post.
  5. Hi, has anyone used these Pallatrax GRIPZ hooks? Innovation or Gimmick?
  6. Fair enough, I'll climb down off this high horse now.....
  7. Shame on you for that remark. If you didn't like his music that's your loss, he was a highly respected talent. Roy Orbison also suffered more tragedy in his lifetime than most people could possibly bear. I can only hope that your remark was either tongue-in-cheek or designed to provoke, either way it was in poor taste.
  8. It definitely works, personally I prefer a drilled bottom bait, with a cork insert, on a fairly long and supple hair. It partly works because of the aggressive angle between the bait and hook, but I think it mainly works because of the way it is ejected. When the bait is ejected, it drags the hook out from the eye end of the hook first, giving the point of the hook a better chance of findng purchase. It's for that reason that I don't like rigs with tubing or hook stops on or near the bend of the hook. In that case, when the bait is ejected, it drags the hook out from the bend first. (I know they do work, but I think it lessens your chances).
  9. Looks like they all work out about the same price, give or take a few pennies. The ESP Stiff Rig appears to be slightly cheaper than the Korda Mouthtrap, but their hooks are slightly more expensive. The Korda ready mades are actually cheaper than the ESP ones, and the Gardner ready mades are more expensive than both. I'd imagine a bit of shopping around might find better prices for one or the other, but in each case the difference between ready mades and diy is negligible. So, anyone who struggles to tie these (and they are a pesky little blighter to tie), with a view to saving money, don't bother, the ready mades are good value.
  10. I've just calculated the cost difference between buying ready made Korda Chod links and diy using all Korda products (assuming 12" of Mouthtrap per link). Ready made: £1.62 each. Diy: £1.20 each. So, not a lot in it really, I was expecting a bigger difference. Money aside, I still like to know how to tie my own rigs.
  11. The link seems to be working fine (tested in firefox, chrome and explorer). If anyone else has a problem with the link, please let me know and I will re-post.
  12. I find this "Easy Snell Knot by NetKnots" to be a little easier to tie. In the video the tag end is cut, don't cut it. At that point place your chosen rig ring, swivel or bait screw on the tag, pass it back through the hook eye, cut and blob. Plenty of practice with ordinary mono, until you get the mechanics right, will help. No matter which knot you choose.
  13. Doesn't seem to, I've tested it in the margins and it sits as in the picture. Maybe because more of the foam is above the aligna.
  14. No, they are live maggots. I use 3 or 4 at a time, no problems with buoyancy. You could use fake or better still a mixture. I like the movement from the live ones.
  15. ZIG ALIGNA. For a pop-up, chod or zig. Thread the maggots onto a needle and bait floss, pass the needle under the band and tie them on. You can dispense with the ZIG ALIGNA and just tie them onto rig foam (works for me).
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