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Carpbell last won the day on May 14 2014

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  1. Carpbell


  2. Haven't fished it yet myself, do intend to though, going to do an over nighter this week, probably save £4 and petrol money by going to barston, I will get over there one day though
  3. Funnily enough, have you tried the long leat safari park, zoofish, I'd love to fish there, other than that, there are a few Somerset anglers on this site, do a search for some of Useph's posts, he has some videos that will put you right.
  4. Well that's me in Hopsford next week, I have read both good and bad reviews, from what I was told by another angler yesterday was they now limit the numbers on the weekends, no more than seven anglers night fishing. sounds about right There are some real nice fish in there from what I have seen on the fisheries web site, rats? my dog loves rats plus the lake is in the middle of farm land, bound to be a lot of rats there.
  5. Saucy I have noticed some fisheries are now charging anything up to a fiver per night for bivvy guests, sounds good, some days up barston you get one person fishing and five others sitting around having a picnic.
  6. Quick update, called into Hopsford today for a reccy, looks real nice and just what you would like to see in an old estate lake. You need to book in advance for night fishing as they limit the numbers on the lake, it also states night fishing is for regulars only, I have not phoned them yet so don't know how strict they are with that, from what I could gather from another guy fishing it was more to control the weekend numbers. There is also a hook size rule nothing bigger than a size 8, I prefer to use a size 6, but I can live with that. They also would like to see any particles you are using. They let dogs in as well
  7. Soz I missed the edit time I will add Naseby to the list, as it's just outside Coventry, on a fast Horse. http://www.fisheries.co.uk/naseby/index.htm
  8. I like the look of that place, I have eyed it up before, but don't know nothing about it.
  9. That's what I like about the online forum style site, great for storing info, always there when you want a look.
  10. Hia Chadz, sorry I have only just seen your post, Dog lane is a very good venue, if you have a twenty out of there you are doing really well, plus the gaffer is a real nice bloke. Barston is another, same again, I'd say if you can get on to a twenty at barston, good fishing. I'm getting out this week, barston has a three day match on so I might go Dog lane, or try some place new, I have been looking at Hopsford hall?
  11. There wasn't a swear word in it as such, just the site auto edit kicking in, due to the gap in the armour phrase, it's the same if you type the slang for a take away. shame that, it's a good old English phrase. The post was about another anglers views on the lead set up for some zig rigs, oh well.
  12. Never been a fan of dropping the lead, must be the environmentalist coming out
  13. avid in-lines on a length of fox submerg, might switch beck to fox in-lines, as the avids are a bit too safe, I had one fly off on the cast last week. if I have to close the gap with forceps, it kind of makes them a bit fixed bolt rig.
  14. Camp sites with fishing are always worth a look, there is one one the out-skirts of coventry, there are fish up to mid 20lb maybe a thirty, it only gets fished by weekend break holiday anglers. They only sell day tickets to those stopping on site, it gets over-looked by night anglers. But they do sell tickets to anglers that are there for a few days fishing. If that makes sense.
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