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Posts posted by Reedy11

  1. Thanks for your reply Androo, I've seen some larger fish pics on that lake, I'm hoping above 10 lb, I saw it is stocked with smaller carp but fingers crossed! I am getting better and your right the method feeder is more for smaller fish but I've caught quite well the last 2 times by putting in bait around it, I'm also trying out pva solid bags which landed 2 10 lb bream :) they're not carp but I'm getting there. That one in my display pic was on a feeder :)


    I do think I'm going to try chestnut pools midweek so check back around Friday and ill let you know how I get on :)

  2. Hey guys,


    I'm looking to try a new lake next week, I regulary fish Manor Farm in Biggleswade and I'm interested to try somewhere new.

    I'm looking for a day ticket lake with a chance of catching the larger carp, I'm hoping for a decent venue stocked over 30lbs.


    I have heard about Henlow Bridge Lakes which looks nice but I can't find any reviews if anyone has fished there before?


    I look forward to some advice.


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