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Everything posted by manuel86

  1. not sure buddy! might know his face. the 2 guys that i know go there often are kieran and john. kieran works in cefn mably.
  2. the forum only works if you are a member bud! it is a very hard lake to fish ive only ever blanked there! ive got a few friends that fish there quite a bit. but apparently cell is the best or white pop ups. dont know how true this is. as i said ive never caught there. another thing is fish about 30 ft out from the swim. just off the middle of the lake.
  3. Just had a look on the website and read all your post on how good this lake is. i really want to fish here. but what package does everyone go for? drive and survive or the food package? and how long do people tend to go for? i was looking at a week. some really good fish well done everyone!
  4. Well i did what you said. 8inch hooklength in a bag no online though as i don't have any and ive just caught a little 4lbs common. good start i think.
  5. I did want to use a lead but as the venue important fishing isn't very wide. i didn't want to cast a heavy weight into the reeds by accident.
  6. Just wanted to ask how long a hooklength is suitable for a multi 85 x 100 size pva bag. im currently fishing about a 12inch hooklength. with pva bags i understand its better to have the lead in the bag too. i was thinking though as its only a small venue do you think i could get away with no lead and using the bag as my casting weight? Im only using half ounce leads anyway. thanks Dave
  7. no because i snip the end of the tail rubber to make it bigger so that even the silicone tubing can fall out. plus my back leads all have very big eye holes so it would cause a problem. i make all my rigs as safe as i possibly can.
  8. I use lead clips that gives you the choice of making it a running lead just by removing the little stop.
  9. Haha. I know. i work part time in a garage on the pumps. i normally do nights aswell so its quiet. then i work in a warehouse in the day. the night shift is ideal to get all my fishing stuff sorted. if im not doing that im playing on the xbox lol
  10. I want to go to linear! any idea if you can night fish there without being on the syndicate?
  11. Thanks again this is great advice. i made some rigs last night in work and i am going to try them out on Wednesday so i will share my results then. hope it all goes well. thanks Dave
  12. you reckon. iv'e looked at both rigs in water an the braid looks better but is that going to make a difference. Theres alway that what if in the back of my head.
  13. How about Chad lakes??? I'm looking at going there in March/April. Iv'e emailed and they said that for a long weekend (Friday morning to Monday evening/night). It will cost you around £50 and that's for atomic Chad pool. Home pool is a syndicate lake only but after watching Tez catch black here and seeing some of the beautiful carp i really want to fish there.
  14. well the length of the fluoro is what i use regularly and have been catching with so should i make the braid the same length? i do really appreciate this advice. this website is full of a lot of great guys with a lot of insight.
  15. Right that's a good piece of advice. the lake im fishing Wednesday is a soft silty bottom.if i was going to use braid then would you say to make them longer? only i always thought you keep braid links generally short?????? i say i want to use braid as im going to using pop ups. an i have tried both rigs in a lunch box of water an the braid just seems more natural looking
  16. yes that helps a lot. i have made 2 rigs today! (well 4 but made 2 of each) but i just wanted an opinion on length. they are simple hair rigs hairs are slightly longer as im using them for a snowman with a 15 and 10mm. please feel ree to criticise all you want. thanks. picture quality isn't great but i think youll get the idea.
  17. Thanks for the advice. This helps alot As the lake i mostly fish is man made a has been cloudy all winter. but i am also fishing a clear lake. i haven't caught at this venue yet but I've got a whole year to sort that out.
  18. I have no objection to using fluoro infact i love it. but i just think that braid presents the bait a little better because of the flexibility in it. Do you mother agree? i am using fluoro at the moment by the way.
  19. Hi Guys, just want to pick some brains if thats ok? what do you think would be a better all round hooklink? i know they both have there pros and cons. but ive just got some braid i normally use the iQ2 fluorocarbon with a decent amount of success but i want to broaden my horizons and go down the route of braid.
  20. i used to sea fish when i was younger. i just love fishing for carp now. just find it a lot more exciting! i should of been more specific really. im looking for a good venue any where in the UK. Ones that i can do a night session without being a member. i have emailed a few places had a few replies. but i was wondering if any one could recommend where they have fished or know people who have fished there? Thanks
  21. south wales! i live in the vale of glamorgan!
  22. Does anybody know any lakes where I could do a weekend session without being a club member or syndicate member. a lot if not all the lakes in my area you have to be a member to night fish so its a case of packing up going home and getting up early again the next day in the hope that some one hasn't taken your swim. does my head in. I'm looking to do a long weekend like Friday morning to Monday night. with nice fish. not looking for massive fish I just want to have a bit of fun. I live in Wales. I'm willing to travel just don't want to be travelling in excess of 4 hours haha. Thanks for taking to the time to read this.
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