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    Carp, F1 and THE RAMS

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  1. Me too...If poss
  2. Fantastic write up Neil.... Can't believe I turned down a week on there may next year DOH
  3. Gutted I missed it but know how great it is. Dooooohhhhh forgot of course Might give them a call as a fantastic place about 1hr from my place Thanks for the reminder I must be dumb
  4. Mate should you find anything can you let me know. Lived in derby for 40 young years and not heard of a day ticket water holding 30s but hope I'm proved wrong. I have heard off a cheap ticket that they say holds 2 30s but in my opinion it don't think it does but again I could be wrong. Anyway good luck and should I hear anything like you or me are after I will pm you direct Regards DERBYBEEF
  5. Agree mate but heard its moved on since then
  6. Bringing a old post out. Just spoke to a couple of lads ref Belper pond who say bigish fish have been out over the last year. Anyone heard it as last I heard most the decent fish left in the floods. I have not fished it for a couple of years, so any info would be great. Failing that may just join
  7. Bringing a old post out. Just spoke to a couple of lads ref Belper pond who say bigish fish have been out over the last year. Anyone heard it as last I heard most the decent fish left in the floods. I have not fished it for a couple of years, so any info would be great. Failing that may just reading join
  8. Bringing a old post out. Just spoke to a couple of lads ref Belper pond who say bigish fish have been out over the last year. Anyone heard it as last I heard most the decent fish left in the floods. I have not fished it for a couple of years, so any info would be great. Failing that may just reading join
  9. its my 2nd year on tbere....its hard...v...hard
  10. AGREE Cobleyn
  11. TRY Derby Railway Angling Club, have lots water in/near staffs
  12. Agree nothing like a wobble wobble wobble ............and not the way I walk....well not much
  13. read it myself free on an ebook...very good read 5*****
  14. Brill just made my day reading about your pouch have a border collie 5 months old will do anything for a gold fish bollie
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