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Everything posted by bigguscarpus

  1. Lets hope you latch on to the big mirror that hasnt been out for 4 years, estimated last year at 30lbs!
  2. A stunning scale perfect 22lb common from AE FIsheries was stocked last week. There are 3 syndicate places still available at £150, season starts April 1st.
  3. www.theretreatcarplake.co.uk 2 places available
  4. have a look-no 30s yet but give it a year theretreatcarplake.co.uk
  5. Have a look theretreatcarplake.co.uk
  6. We have a short waiting list, Have a look at our website and let me know if ur interested.We may well have a syndicate only next year with no day tkts http://www.theretreatcarplake.co.uk/
  7. syndicate full now mate but day tkts are available.Get on during the week and good chance u will have the lake for urself. Crackin 15lb Mirror was caught at The Retreat last night.Same fish was caught last April at 13lb, looks like the supplementary feeding thru the winter has paid dividends.:D
  8. www.theretreatcarplake.co.uk/
  9. I have a 2 1/2 acre carp lake.we allow max of 5 with 2 rods.if 3 or less are booked on then 3 rods max.
  10. Try the retreat at four crosses,they have 2 syndicate places left and they are stocking with c5 VS Fisheries carp in November
  11. Just seen this thread,I took over a lease on a 2 1/2 acre carp lake 15 miles west of Shrewsbury around 6 months ago.We have 20 in the syndicate and also allow day tkts but we dont allow anymore than 5 fish per day. If ur lookin at a lake around 12 acres,believe me it will take many hours of your time just to keep it in trim with lookin after pegs,banks,fish stocks etc. Also Carp are not cheap,we have ordered 3 around 16lb for delivery in November and they are around £300 each!! Good Luck
  12. got one on the shropshire/powys border if interested-pm me
  13. Cmon Nigel,it has to be westlake-showers and toilets in scenic surroundings and plenty of fish-I will be down tomorrow morning if u want a chat
  14. I lease a carp lake that allows tourers-pm me edited by jules007
  15. New carp lake at four crosses 15 miles west of shrewsbury,still 5 season tkts available-only opened last weekend daveiwatkins@ntlworld.com for more info
  16. Hi mate,a couple of lads from Liverpool came to night fish last week but had to turn them away because we wernt open.I had a good chat with them and they said there were alot of carp in the 15lb-21lb range.Pellet,sweetcorn and even luncheon meat all caught regularly.In summer especially from evening time it seems the lake is alive with surface feeding carp and stalking them is alot of fun. There are 2 lakes at Westlake,ours is the Carp lake-cheers
  17. Hi,send me ur email and i will send u info on a new carp lake-cheers
  18. Ryan-send me ur email and i will send some info on a new water to u-cheers
  19. know of one but probs about 50 miles waay,is that 2 far?
  20. hi mate im from Hazel Grove,give us a ring ive got a great water-07985639720 Cheers Dave
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