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Everything posted by dangling

  1. Don't you think that it will increase the chance of damaging a fish?
  2. i finished the movie. For those of you who are interrested: gr. Henk
  3. So i'm the first one to have been there? Must say we had a great time there last week. Only fished during daytime from sunday afternoon till friday morning.We caught 89 carp between the two of us and most of them were above 10kg. Largest was 15.2kg. gr. Henk
  4. We'll be fishing a testsession there in a few days, but there is almost no info to be found about the lakes. Is there anyone who knows something about this complex other then what can be found on the website? kind regards, Henk by the way: i made a small teaser movie about the lake.
  5. I don't like to see carp caught with a bow and arrow also, but i love his show. Almost every episode is available on youtube and i have watched them all several times. I like his humor and the way he gets exited about a fish. Jeremy Wade is also okay. My guess is that you have a lot more fishing shows on tv in England?
  6. With English subtitles gr. Henk
  7. We'll be of to Badgers Holt again in the first week of june and we hope to do at least as well as last year. Are there people here who fished there this year? regards, Henk
  8. Chinky, There are 680 Aldi stores in France, so that should not be to big of problem. Your remark about the quality doesn't stick also. In a test done by the dutch consumer authority they came out as the best ones. Check Google before judging the mighty fine Aldi Power Towers again!
  9. Last year we did a very last inspection of a packed car and an empty garage just before we left for the south of france. It was then that we found out we didn't pack a single rod.... Batteries are very cheap in every Aldi supermarket in France.
  10. You're correct. Thought i was posting in another thread.
  11. Like i said, i respect your opinion but that's a whole other discussion. In this thread someone just wants some info on a lake. gr. Henk
  12. Frenchboy, I respect your opinion about commercial lakes, but i still have to correct you ( a little). The waters on the Goncourt complex are property of the Briallart family. And Pascale is as French as they can possibly come. gr. Henk
  13. woodslake could be an option too any time of the year. http://www.thecarpspecialist.nl/betaalwater/woodslake (sorry text is in dutch, but the pictures speak for themselves).
  14. I made a small movie about our last five years down south. gr. Henk
  15. Kingfisher, I have been there. Stay away from the island if you want to dodge the small ones. Don't make things too difficult. Good is good enough over there.
  16. Studley, Very small boilies and an 8cm standard rig did the trick for that last fish. It was 64.5lb, the new lake record. gr. Henk
  17. Just came back from France and wanted to share the results with you. Thank's for the usefull advise! Best watched in HD. gr. Henk
  18. http://www.nachtvisseninfrankrijk.nl/ This book delivers every kind of info you need to fish in france without having to discuss your fine with "the gare du peche" One small problem: it's written in dutch... Nothing what a little help from google translate can't fix.
  19. Thank's John, Emmcee and Moorsey! Those are some realy good tips. gr. Henk
  20. John, We'll be fishing there for a week, so there should be time enough to let them to do what we want. gr. H
  21. I could ofcourse edit my first post and let the number of fish dissapear, so we don't have to discuss what a runs water is and what isn't. Simple fact is that plenty of anglers blank over there.
  22. If that was the case i wouldn't worry. Plenty of weeks where people blank or only catch one or two fish... gr. Henk
  23. This spring we booked a small lake with the two of us. Three acres and 90 fish is what we are looking at, but there is one problem. Since the opening of the lake some eight years ago the lake has been fully booked from april till november every single season. So it must the case be that these fish have seen it all. Every bait, every rig, every hot spot, every not so hot spot... What would you guys do to make a diffence on a water like that? Would you try something sofisticated or just do what you do at home and wish for the best? gr. Henk
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