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  1. matt i have read most of your posts and most of them arnt worth the effort to read yawn!!(bar the odd constructive one included your last) but if you think attending a social and posting on every given topic and quite often in an obnoxous way gives you kudos over others you are wrong. would love to have attended a social with some of the old lads on here( now long gone),but was working out in france at a fishery all last season(doing it not typing about it lol) and my son was born in nov 2012 so havent had much time for fishing or to contrbute since then but have regularly kept tabs on the forum . But believe!! with the way your posts come across i wouldnt of been happy to fish along side you anyways!! remember no one likes a know it all. dave[/url]
  2. matt you are a know it all. and people like you spoil this forum . This is not the first time i have cringed at your posts/ replies. You seem to think you know it all (but guess what?? you dont pal! ) some of the advice ive seen you offer in the past is shocking and you seem to need to tell everyone how to fish lol good luck with your search for a decent water niall unfortunately i am from lancashire so can not offer any suggestions. best fishes
  3. thanks very much for your kind words of support and advice. setting off at 6pm 2day,so now for a mad dash up to the tackle shop for last few bits.will keep the site informed on the ins and outs of the job and hopefully post a few pics in the coming weeks.wishing you all a great season thanks again dave
  4. wish me luck boys,iam off to crete lakes on friday to take up a paid ballifs position till the end of the season in october . i know there will be a lot of hard work involved,but hopefully it will be the job ive allways dreamed of and in the future open further doors for me within the angling trade! nxt time i post i may well be holding some seriously large french lumps for the camera-watch this space. wishing you all a great season best fishes dave
  5. i only use line alliners on weedy lakes with the barbless hook rule.(just for the added security that if i have to slacken off on a weeded fish the hook has more chance of staying put) i much preffer to leave my end tackle as inconspicuious as possible,as the more gear on the rig, the more chance the fish has of spotting the trap
  6. ouality wish i could get my ticket money back every time i blanked!!! "Sorry mr fishery owner i havent caught anything so can i have my money back" 1oo fish in 12 acres and u think ur owed a fish after 3 visits
  7. let us know when u going on, as may pop up and join you for an overnighter. tight lines
  8. glad 2 be of use mate, plenty of room for bivvies and dont worry pal you wont get bothered, APART FROM BY DOG WALKERS (by" idiots" i mean anglers who steal/move fish ). its a lovely lake and nice and quite at night.anyways iam sure you,d rather figure the rest out for yourself so the only advice i will offer is 2 not be too drawn to the island with all your rods. good luck
  9. yes mate,i know it well as have fished it on and off over the years as its only 5 mins away from home. over recent years the lake has produced a few large fish(tri scale28lb,common 28lb+ more!!) but unfortunatly due to the number of idiots in this area and the lack of baliffs these fish are soon stolen/moved once word gets out so unfortunately i no longer report captures/fish sizes from the lake but am happy 2 give you a rough idea numbers wise! at the mo you are looking at a stock of around 30/40 fish. fishing either end swim is best and a good set of waders a godsend (for wading up the margins and giving it the big un 2 the none fishing bank) but fish can be caught from the margins in any area of the lake just get on the wind,lead about and look for the areas of silkweed as these areas undoutably produce the bites.stick 2 the boilie approach as the shoals of bream are massive and you,ll be up all nite unhooking snottys if you fish particles. pre bait to bring fish into your areas as the fish in the lake very rarely show u where they are so i dout you,ll be casting pop ups at showing fish.need anymore info just let me know tight lines
  10. you mean cuerden valley lancs
  11. 11/12 not bad for a social (fishing round the back of the island ) have a look on the search as i have left some info on here recently with reguards to good swims/tactics on little wyre.if u cant find it pm me. .
  12. i normally add a bit of colour to draw attention to the hookbaits ie;14mm bottom bait/tiny sliver(2mm) of (yellow,orange or white) foam. you could fish snowman presentations and iam sure they will work,but i myself wouldnt,as i want the hookbait to be of a similar size and shape to the freebies
  13. drop all the other bait items/pva bags and just use boilies .the fusion should work ok as i have had some good hits in the past on active8.spread them over a decent sized area(10m x 10m)and fish a bright topper with the hookbaits to draw attention to them.as for amounts for each rod basically i wouldnt go overbord and start piling it in at this time of year unless there was obviously alot of fish infront of me and i was going to attempt to hold them there,prefering to put out between 20/40 baits per rod topping up with a similar amount after each fish or after signs of fish activity in the area around the hookbaits.really hope u get lucky and bag a couple on ur next visit,as the results are there to be had.last session down sept 09(peg 7)24hrs 8 runs =7 landed (1x single,5x mid/high doubles and a 24.10 cracker.i await some catch pics from your session.tight lines
  14. what methods did u use and which areas of the swim did u look 2 fish on ur early visits. as maybe the fish were still inactive/dormant on ur last visits and the methods u used may be good for a fish or two when the weather warms up a bit..also were others on the lake catching on ur last visits/did u see any carp showing(ie;active fish). stick 2 the bottom baits at nite pal and get the traps set an hour or two b4 dark 2 give everything a chance 2 settle.dont normally but would be tempted 2 leave a zig out all nite at the min though due to the high air pressure.
  15. allways use the wide gapes for zigs in a 10 and for bottom baits in size 6 or 8.never had a problem with them apart from the odd one being blunt,good sharp and strong hooks that go in and stay in, in my opinion
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