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Everything posted by syddallj

  1. Googled it and it's being sold for £4.99. Although the company ad mentions biodegradable there is no mention of this on the retail sites. I wonder how well it will degrade and how long it will take? Probably better than just plain plastic though.
  2. Not sure about the troubles there but a club I belonged to used to go there for a match once a year and I really enjoyed the fishing. That was in the lake nearest the road, cannot comment on the other one.
  3. Hi Vinny, I'm also in Bexhill. Have been thinking about giving the speci lake a try. Maybe later this week if I can get out. I will let you know how I get on if I do.
  4. I use a 15 to 35lb shock leader combined with 15lb mono. Never had a problem with cracking off. Mono obviously has more stretch which helps as well.
  5. What club is that Smufter? I moved down here last Sept and am still looking for waters to fish.
  6. I doubt that the lowering of the levels in Drayton over the summer had any bearing on night fishing anglers although they obviously benefit! The reason that reservoirs like Drayton, Tring, etc exist is to provide top-ups for the canal system. Fishing, boating, etc are just by-products. Contrary to popular belief, canals normally follow the contours of the land and actually have a flow direction. When someone opens a lock gate to decend to a lower level, a quantity of water is lost to the level above. This water loss has to be topped up from somewhere and that is where the reservoirs come in. It is normal for such reservoirs to be at their lowest level at this time of year as all the heavy boat traffic has been in the preceeding 6 months or so.
  7. I went to Rushes in late May two years ago and the weather was fantastic. It was so hot finding shade was the problem! We did have some rain - it came down like proverbial stair rods - and I got a run right in the middle of it I used some cell there and they seemed to like it although not one of the normal baits used. Can't wait 'till next August!!
  8. Our son lives in Southampton, that's why I have fished both Broadlands and Whinwhistle when down visiting the Grandchildren! As only there for part of the day have only fished the Broadlands small lakes but good fun with light tackle!
  9. I have fished Whinwistle Lakes. Not exactly carp waters, more geared to match fishing (poles, etc) There are carp in the lakes and some may be bigger but from what I saw, most average around the 5lb mark. A good venue for a days pleasure fishing though!
  10. For me it was a small white/pineapple boilie (10mm) together with a small PVA stick. Omit the stick, no take, put the stick on and off it went within seconds! Hope this helps!
  11. For me, 10 mins max. If nothing showing back in it comes, reload and back out! Keeps you busy but great fun if you get amonst them.
  12. Like cc has said, no problem with sensitivity when using the method for carp. The secret is to ignore the "knocks and tweaks" and wait for the pull - when the rod gets wrenched round and you have to dive for it! And they all get lip hooked! I used to use the Korum feeders but have recently changed to the new Drennan ones as I like the plastic connector which does away with swivels. Regarding the rig, I always like to use a short (3" max) hook link of strong mono.
  13. Can't speak for Brasenose one but Drayton will give you more runs than Thorpe Lea. (Bigger fish but fewer of them) But on the plus side, at least you can put a bivvy up at Thorpe!
  14. Like BBJ I take it along with me and then end up eating the stuff! Never caught on it though.
  15. If you are going on a Sunday,get there early!
  16. Going by the forecast I think it may be the rain!
  17. Whinwhistle Fishery (East Wellow) can be good fun if you are not after monsters!
  18. Rushes is great, especially for your first trip to France for fishing. Plenty of fish to 40lb, great food and great hosts.
  19. Yes I agree Nick, a brilliant read to stir a childs imagination. (And an aduls too!)
  20. There may well be a 40lb'er in there but you have to wade through some 50,000 smaller ones to get to it!
  21. Which Willows are you talking about? There are lots of lakes out there called Willows!
  22. I used to fish there in the early 1960's, but not much use to you now I suppose! Then it was good for tench (worm on the lift method at night) no carp but some good perch and pike. Five shillings for a school holiday ticket! Sorry cannot be more current!
  23. A bit of both probably. I did read that BW had put over 50,000 carp into Drayton (Wikipedia so it must be true!). Can't really see how a lake that size could support such a population without anglers feeding them as well! Also, unlike other "carp pools" the fish at Drayton have a high average size - I don't think we caught one under about 7lb - the average was about 10lb. Having said that, I was pleasantly surprised at the fishing facilities there. The platforms are some of the best I have seen with bank stick clips and even a hole for your brolly! A great location for getting a bend in your rod!
  24. I just can't imagine why anyone would want to bivvy up at Drayton (unless they either live a long way away or like camping!) A friend and I went there a couple of weeks ago. Once we got the drop on the going method (10mm pineapple boilie/pellet and pva stick) it was "cast out, wait 20 seconds, strike, play fish in, repeat process". One rod was more than enough! Non stop action all day. Obviously not all days are the same but even when it is "bad" you wouldn't get any sleep!
  25. Rabbit, I can only speak as I found. Had a WONDERFUL week in late May. I never caught any "huge" carp but was more than happy with the three twenty lb plus fish I had as well (biggest 26.5lb)as well as the loads of sub-twenties. I also had two cats over 30lb plus others of 18lb, etc. A total of 48 fish over the week, brilliant weather and food to die for! The fish don't give themselves up easy, you have to fish for them but the rewards are there and its a great location with excellent hospitality.
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