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Everything posted by sam_0987

  1. Yes, feathering will help to staighten out the rig because you pulling it back slightly as it falls through the water collum. I have heard of people tweaking the rig but I have never done it, just incase something goes wron
  2. You could always try anti tangle sleeves or feathering your casts.
  3. sam_0987


    Crimps are very affective as there is no knot involved, and i have never had any problems with them slipping or braking. You can also make hook links the exact size you want them. I don't use them any more because it can get pricey buying loads of them every week.
  4. If your fishing in silt you should use a longer hooklink say 8-12inches, that way your hooklink won't bury into the silt.
  5. I take it your talking about a Helicopter rig? If so I would stick to a standard lead clip if i were you mate, it all gets to complicated when you start changing your techniques for no good reason. However if you still want to try a helicopter rig it will work with a bottom bait rig.
  6. Personally i use the Terry Austace stuff. But i would never use flurocarbon as it sinks giving you bad presentation.
  7. Just come back from a 2 day 1 night session there, and it was great fishing. in total we had 4 carp 1 Jack pike. They were all taken on a mainline cell stringer cast to the far bank. My best tip is to listen to Gerry (owner) he will tell you what has doing the biz and where has been producing the fish. most people weren't catching as a result of not listening to Gerry., because they had fished it before they thought they knew what was working.
  8. Thank you mate!
  9. are you sure it dosent mean for a pack?
  10. i'm sorry but that is an unnfair comment to make. The korda wide gape is the most used carp hook on the market,and i haven't yet (touch wood) dropped a fish on a sharp wide gape. i no you are entitled to your opinion but i thought saying they're rubbish is a bit unfair.
  11. The advantages of a chod rig are its different to your average rig. it gives great hook holds, they're easy to tie, and they can be cast anywhere ,and most importantly they catch LOADS OF CARP !! those are the reasons that the chod is the only pop up rig i use nowadays!!
  12. Hi all. Has anyone fished Watermarks little horseshoe lake recently as i am going down there in April for a 36hour session. First time on this water so any hints or tips would be very much apreciated . Tight Lines. Sam.
  13. if you dont feel confident with it then dont use it. use what you have caught on in the past.
  14. Ah mate ive had the same problem with then raptors! Ever since that happened ive switched over to korda hooks, wide gapes in particular. And i have seen a dramatic improvment, the raptors tend to be fairly 'shiny' and korda hooks have a low profile coating wich helps discise the hook on the lake bed. So thats my choice of hook.
  15. sam_0987


    well... flurocarbon/mono:outturned eye braid coated braid etc: interned eye
  16. hi mate, i use the chod rig alot nowadays and has become a vital part of my fishing. however i do not genrally use it on leadcore the reasons being: 1) had no leadcore at the time 2)leadcore can arguabily be dangerouse 3)it sticks out like a saw thumb (in my opinion) And the list goes on... I now use amnesia as a leader instead of leadcore, this will make my rig less visable and give me an "edge" over the others i attach the leader the same as you would leadcore (via loop) Although the rig does tend to be less notecable it can need aditional weight due to the lite amnesia leader insted of the heavy leadcore leader! I hope this helps, feel free to ask me any futher questions Tight lines.
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