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Everything posted by elmovillan

  1. POACHING!!!!!!! Perish the thought
  2. One of Fosters waters is near thereI think......syndicated. Theres a loveley looking pool across from it, covered in pads, but I don't think you can fish it?
  3. Yep...definitely bivvy city. Lovely looking place, but too many lines going in for me!
  4. Quite a bit of bait goes in there, so I would try single hi-viz pop-up (pineapple maybe) over a small bag of pellet. And if its still warm up there I'd stick a zig out, maybe mid-water?
  5. Nice one! Glad we could be of some help........and a pb 20 into the bargain! But at the end of the day YOU caught them, so good angling.
  6. Tight as you can to the opposite reedbank. Take some surface baits, if its very warm they do show themselves. Oh..and treat yourself to a double-decker sausage. bacon and egg sarnie!
  7. Peg 10 is usually pretty much booked out, so you can imagine how hot it is. The fact that its the last peg and shielded by the islands tells you why. If you can get on it, I'd suggest you do so. You can walk a bait right along the margin and drop right on the fish. The first couple of pegs are also good too for a fish or two. Strategy wise, I don't know....zigs maybe? I don't know how warm it is up there but where I am is quite humid and the carp are well up in the water. I certainly would'nt go in with lots of bait, as its not a big lake and the fish are quite clued up. Not uncatchable, but well used to seeing plenty of bait go in.
  8. Got to agree there....peg 10 is HOT! Nice saus/bacon sarnies too Best to book.
  9. I'm sure the carp only take some of these things out of curiosity. Using one on a hook is taking it just too far IMO.
  10. I can believe that.....I've seen carp take discarded dog-ends off the top! My favourite used to be sugar puffs and hubba-bubba gum can score no problem.
  11. If you've had a take on pepperami then certainly stick with it, but I would suggest a superior boilie choice might be worth a try. Pine Pool is quite a popular place and must see a wide variety of baits, so the better quality stuff has to have the edge I'd have thought. On the other hand, don't neglect the basics like sweetcorn over hemp. Saved many a blank on most waters. As for your set-up, I'm afraid its just trial and error. Try using different lengths of rigs on alternative rods and see which attracts the most interest.
  12. Sound advice there. I've seen guys set up in swims there without giving it a second thought, while I'm sitting directly across from them on a recce and staring at a good half-dozen or so of Pine Pools finest! A good circuit or two of the pool will definitely give you a good idea of where they are. And like NG says.....don't be afraid to use the weed.
  13. Ian, I'm surprised that story is still doing the rounds. Its been argued over for the last fifteen years!
  14. What he said....I think
  15. Not sure if its a nature reserve now, but I know people used to fish over there years ago. Could be a no-go?
  16. Agreed. You usually find that the members will actually bailliff the waters themselves quite willingly anyway.
  17. You won't be the only one with a skinhead. It's almost compulsory on there! Crossbow a good idea, handgun, machette..... I've never had any poblems on there but I know one or two who have, my son included. Mind you, the geezer who started on him lived, just, to regret his actions. Poor thing almost drowned. In 18 inches of water......... Ian That sounds just about right, Ian I actually learned my carping on Kingshurst and Shard End lakes and it was pretty much like going back to the wild west then! Proper bandit country!! Its been a few years now, but I did wonder if things had improved with the passing of time? Seems not Oh, by the way, I 'knew' most of the characters or faces round there and I still slept with my 'weapon of choice' when bivvied up. But, all in all, not bad fishing if you applied yourself.
  18. No problem and welcome to the forum
  19. Not sure about that.....although I'm guessing that a debenture is like some sort of one-off payment that means you actually have a piece of the pie, so to speak, but can be sold on by you. It injects a guaranteed sum of money into the business as well. Almost like a life membership perhaps? You do actually see them up for sale from time to time, so its not exactly dead money. Nor would I imagine you had to know someone in order to buy one, but someone will probably correct me on that. You still, I think, have to pay annual membership fees
  20. Whatever you do. don't cast across anyones swim! Its all very regimented as to who gets what and where....and they just don't like it Bit of a bun-fight to be honest
  21. Nice one Andy I know its supposed to be a cracking place, just from talking to guys when I've been fishing. Most say its a difficult, cliquey sort of place to get into, but I don't take much notice of that......much prefer to find out for myself. Reckon I'll take your good advice mate and arrange to have a look round sometime. Thanks
  22. Biggish water. Carp to mid-forties......at least?
  23. Like you say, with so many waters close by theres loads of options. Take a few days and have a look at as many as you can. I'd certainly be sticking my name down on as many waiting lists as possible though. They can be long, or near impossible in some cases, but you never know. Sometimes you can get lucky. Certainly wish I had your predicament
  24. Chinese wholesalers where I got some very cheap......and bottles of oyster sauce and fish sauce while I was at it. Its all a bit whiffy, but gives out one hell of a carpy signal.
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